Reviews & Comments

aka. the little guestbook. :-)  - If you want to leave a comment about your experience with ACD, please feel free to share a few words. 

Comments: 172
  • #172

    Kjetil Hammerseth (Monday, 03 March 2025 13:16)

    Forgot to mention, the incredible customer service! Dennis is always on the ball, and as helpful as one can be.

  • #171

    Kjetil Hammerseth (Monday, 03 March 2025 13:15)

    I have been playing my Phantom double pedals for a couple of weeks now, tinkering with the settings and making them 'my own'. In short, these are the absolute best pedals I have ever owned.

    Firstly, the solid construction and build quality of the pedal is phenomenal. The craftsmanship of Dennis truly shows, but became even more apparent to me when I started doing adjustments. The thought put into the different adjustments and the vast range of feel I'm able to achieve from these pedals are extremely impressing to say the least. Having played light pedals, heavy pedals, chains and a few direct drives all these years while trying to improve my own bass drum technique - I can truly say that these pedals have no limitations at all as to what I am able to play, and want to be able to play!

    They are 100% worth the investment, considering you really do get one of the absolutely best designed (if not THE best) pedals ever. Fully CNC machined, quality parts and particular yet ingenious ways of adjustments make up a fantastic feeling pedal.

  • #170

    Joe Ballestrini (Monday, 03 March 2025 10:43)

    Dennis is really an awesome guy. He worked with me to help me figure out payment from overseas and has been very polite and professional. Highly recommend ACD Unlimited for all your top quality drumming needs.

  • #169

    James (Tuesday, 25 February 2025 01:11)

    I've had a Tama DynaSync for about 2.5 years, and in that time have had two of their standard drive shafts fall apart on me - one at a gig!

    Even before this they had a lot of 'play' in them and it was always hard to coordinate my left foot.

    Seeing the announcement for the 'mirror rod' felt like an insult, so not being keen on getting 'shafted' again, I decided to look elsewhere - and after some research decided to buy the ACD ultimate driveshaft.

    It's an absolutely huge upgrade to the DynaSync, my double kick is more even and generally sounds more powerful - I'll certainly be in the market for a Darwin once I've saved up a few more pennies!

  • #168

    Stephen (Saturday, 22 February 2025 02:10)

    As a self proclaimed “gearitis” sufferer, I’ve tried darn near every pedal out there from the big manufactures, buying and selling to fund the next. Needless to say, after experimenting and playing on the Darwin double pedal for 2 years now, it’s the one piece of gear I can confidently say I’ll be keeping for as long as I am able to bang on the drums. In terms of quality and adjustability, Dennis has really taken everything into consideration. They are not just great for blazing fast metal either; they feel amazing underfoot regardless of musical application. Looking forward to trying out the little brother Phantom pedals down the road!

  • #167

    BeatMachinery (Thursday, 20 February 2025 14:37)

    I am the happy owner of a Phantom Middle double pedal and a pair of Phantoms. I have been testing and enjoying them for a little less than a year now, and I can say , without any hesitation , they are the best pedals (along with the Darwins) , available in the global market.
    I play electronic music and the level of accuracy , finesse , smoothness and control that you will be able to achieve with these pedals, is simply unmatched by any other brand.
    My search for a pedal that encompasses all of the previous mentioned features has now finished , as the Phantom offers all of them and we cannot forget the high level of customization.
    These pedals stick to your feet , making it possible to execute patterns that might seem impossible to play, without the precision and quality of the building , compared with any other pedal I had tried in the past.
    I wouldn't like to leave aside the spring geometry concept , which is high-level engineering manufacturing , not seen in other pedals. Arguably , this is what makes the pedal so efficient , so that , giving these pedals a clear advantage over any of their competitors.
    I cannot say anything but positive aspects about these pedals.
    I simply can't imagine myself playing with any other brand from now on. I am looking forward to trying the Darwins and I am absolutely sure they are pure perfection , as they are the Phantoms.

  • #166

    Dominik (Thursday, 06 February 2025 10:17)

    Recently the ACD conversion (longboard and strap drive) for my Iron Cobra arrived. Once againI'm thrilled with the manufacturing quality. And: The Iron Cobra is now a completely new pedal when it comes to the feel! Thanks!
    I also use the Ultimate Drive Shaft on my Dyna Sync, same completely positive experience.
    Currently I am torn between the Phantom and the Darwin double pedal. The Darwin is the ultimate pedal for me. But, on the other hand, the Phantoms have everything that I long for and do also have a larger footboard - difficult decision...

  • #165

    nicholas (Wednesday, 05 February 2025 17:02)

    Purchased replacement heel blocks, drive shaft and beaters for my old axis. These are excellent products and great experience all around! I can't recommend it enough.

  • #164

    Ari Räsänen (Tuesday, 04 February 2025 07:44)

    Everything went fine. quality stuff.
    Dennis is a great guy!

  • #163

    Simon (Monday, 03 February 2025 15:21)

    The Phantom is an incredible pedal, the overall quality is just nuts!
    Dennis is a wizard and it's just great to have such talented people among us.

    if you're wondering about the "not full" baseplate, with a drum rug and the scratches delivered by ACD the pedal doesn't move at all, and for the inverted drum beater (left pedal controls the right beater), in like 3 seconds your brain is used to it.

    So, if you hesitate, just don't and go for it :)

  • #162

    Konrad Troost (Tuesday, 21 January 2025 12:15)

    Vor über 50 Jahren habe ich mit der Ludwig Speed King angefangen. Es gab lange keinen Ersatz für das Teil und ich habe so ziemlich alles ausprobiert: Sonor, Tama, Pearl. Kette und Riemen. Als dann Axis in den späten 90 zigern auf den Markt kam, war, glaube ich, Drums Only in Koblenz der Exklusivhändler für Deutschland. Mit dem Axis lernte ich Doppelpedale kennen und ich blieb dabei. Direktantrieb ist mein Ding. Mein kürzlich erworbenes neues Ludwig Speed King Pedal kommt auch zum Einsatz (für Akustik Gigs mit wenig Aufwand) und der nostalgische Faktor zaubert Glücksgefühle beim Gig. Dann gab es ein kurzes Desaster mit dem Drumnetics Twin Pedal, weil ich das Konzept mit dem Magneten genial finde. Bei der Feinjustierung stellte sich kein Glücksgefühl ein.
    Bei Axis kann ich auf Dauer nicht bleiben, weil Ersatzteile und Service problematisch sind. Warum also die Darwin Pedale? Wegen dem Service! Die Einstellmöglichkeiten vom Axis Konzept sind für mein technisches Können mehr als ausreichend, aber das Modularkonzept von Dennis mit den unterschiedlichsten Möglichkeiten zum Umrüsten ist einzigartig. Die Aussicht auf einen funktionierenden Reparaturservice und die allseits gelobte Verarbeitung der Darwin Pedale mit einem Ansprechpartner sind alles Argumente für meine Entscheidung. Ich freue mich auf den September 2025!

  • #161

    Marco M. Molitor (Groove-Barista) (Monday, 20 January 2025 09:35)

    Simply the best pedal I've ever played.
    Once you've played the Darwin, you'll always play the Darwin. It's that simple!
    Groovy thanks from Bonn, Germany!

  • #160

    Kjetil Hammerseth (Saturday, 18 January 2025 20:06)

    Always a pleasure doing business with Dennis. Fantastic quality parts and service as usual.

  • #159

    Sebastian (Wednesday, 15 January 2025 19:10)

    Got my Darwin pedals overhauled after heavy use. Everything perfect. Wouldn't change back to another brand ever. Thank you David!

  • #158

    Tim (Monday, 13 January 2025 01:45)

    Purchased the geometry upgrade for my Tama double kick. Amazing the difference. Great correspondence and service with Dennis.

    Looking forward to the next upgrade!

  • #157

    Lars Müller (Thursday, 09 January 2025 15:14)

    The Ultimate DriveShaft is such a nice step up from what comes with most pedals. Worth every penny, thank you Dennis!

  • #156

    Johannes Klein (Wednesday, 08 January 2025 22:20)

    I already have an ACD middle pedal and absolutely adore it. Now I updated my Tama Dyna-Sync double pedal with Dennis' excellent drive shaft. Made a difference of night and day, I was instantaneously able to adjust the pedal so that the beaters swing synchroniously. And the playing �, the slave pedal doesn't feel like a slave anymore. Fantastic job, Dennis!!!

  • #155

    Devin L (Tuesday, 07 January 2025 21:53)

    Good stuff �

  • #154

    Bogdan (Monday, 30 December 2024 10:00)

    I bought the ACD Remote Hihat. I highly recommend spending the extra 100/150 euros and getting the ACD pedal instead of TAMA/Pearl. Very good craftsmanship and engineering, materials are high quality and Dennis's support is top tier.
    If you order for electronic drums (Roland), make sure to message Dennis for his rotation stopper.

    Thank you

  • #153

    Matthew Maloney (Thursday, 19 December 2024 04:59)

    ACD Unlimited is incredible-- outstanding craftsmanship, top-notch professionalism, and Dennis is simply a nice guy! THANK YOU!! ^_^

  • #152

    Andreas Köhne (Saturday, 14 December 2024 11:26)

    Seit vier Jahren spiele ich ein Darwin-Doppelpedal und eine Remote Hihat und ich werde dabei bleiben. Einstellmöglichkeiten und Spielbarkeit sind einzigartig und die Pedale sind robust und zuverlässig. Der Mailkontakt zu Dennis ist immer unproblematisch und sollte mal ein Teil benötigt werden, ist dieses in kürzester Zeit im Briefkasten. Austria rules! ; ) Und nicht nur im Skifahren.

  • #151

    Micah Reynolds (Thursday, 12 December 2024 02:02)

    I picked up the new heel risers that Dennis designed for Trick pedals.
    They are phenomenal in build quality and utilization. Installation was easy and they have improved my playing as a heel-up drummer.
    I can't wait to pick out and install other ACD upgrades!

  • #150

    Michael Nießen (Monday, 25 November 2024 13:25)

    Just recieved the spare parts with a small surpise on top. Amazing Service. ��

  • #149

    thibault from paris (Monday, 18 November 2024 10:38)

    exactly what i need for my old rusty 98 Iron Cobra

  • #148

    René Diget (Thursday, 07 November 2024 16:29)

    What a pleasant discovery of a absolutely 100% A-grade manufacturer with a passion for what is produced.
    Customer service is also top tier and the product even arrived with a little treat.
    This shop deserves more attention!

  • #147

    Joan Chilet (Friday, 25 October 2024 09:41)

    After reading a lot on the website and different forums and watching a lot of helpful videos, I decided to sell my demon drives and buy a Phantom double with strap drive. Best pedal ever! Also, Dennis is probably the nicest guy in the business and provides without a doubt the best customer service I've ever experienced in my life. If you're considering getting some ACD stuff, don't hesitate!
    I'm so happy with my Phantom double, that I've ordered a second set (direct drive this time) after 8 months.

  • #146

    Jean-Baptiste Pol (Thursday, 24 October 2024 01:33)

    I've heard about ACD for a long time and as a professional drummer I was very interested in these pedals. I’ve played several direct drives in the last 20 years: Axis, Demon Drive and Trick. Strangely I’ve always had an embarrassment, a feeling of having a little latency on the left foot despite the quality of the equipment. I’ve been using Pearl Eliminator for two years, a good mid-range pedal but whose many concerts have used it too quickly. After seeing the possibility of upgrading it on the ACD website I took everything that was possible: longboard, direct drive, drive shaft, spring and beaters. A quick installation later the result is clear: it's very impressive. Everything inspires solidity and quality. But it’s the drive shaft that impresses me the most, for the first time in my life I feel like I have two kicks. I no longer have to compensate for anything with the left foot and it's particularly enjoyable. I am also extremely satisfied with the laser engraving whose rendering is absolutely perfect. Last point, Dennis is a very nice guy and the exchange by email was flawless, his responsiveness, his listening and his professionalism were very appreciable. I understand that the price can make you hesitate but trusting Dennis and ACD is choosing quality equipment that you will not find anywhere else. I'm still blown away by my practice session and I can’t wait to use them on stage this week-end.
    Thank Dennis, you are a magician ��

  • #145

    J.G. (Monday, 14 October 2024 18:35)

    Ich spiele die FTW nun seit August. Ich bin absolut angetan von der Qualität und dem durchdachten Engineering. Man merkt einfach, dass das Pedal, welches an den Füßen klebt, nichts von der Stange ist. Eine größere Investition, die aber aus meiner Sicht jeden Cent wert ist. Auch bin ich mir sicher, dass - wenn es mal irgendwelche Probleme geben sollte - Dennis direkt mit Rat und Tat da sein wird.
    Viele Grüße

  • #144

    Allan (Friday, 11 October 2024 14:57)

    I decided to replace the short boards on my eliminators with some ACD longboards - and I have to say I'm really impressed with the quality.
    Not only are they easy to install but the bearings are super smooth and I have zero issues with my feet sliding around on them.

  • #143

    Rainer Gartner (Thursday, 10 October 2024 12:38)

    Einfach nur genial und perfekt. Ich habe noch nie bessere Pedale gespielt und werde das wohl auch nicht mehr nach dem Darwin.
    Sensationell gut und zu 100% zu empfehlen.

  • #142

    Martin Jüssi (Monday, 07 October 2024 09:29)

    I have played the Trick V1 for such a long time that I do not remember how other pedals feel. This summer I read something about the "spongy-like" feeling that is natural to the compression springs and realized that this had been one of my major frustrations with these pedals - I had thought the problem had been in my technique, and had been keeping the bass drum tilted towards the pedals to reduce that feeling. After that realization I did the ACD (R2) bias rod upgrade to the pedals.

    With the upgrade, the feeling changed completely, and the pedals feel very much lighter and more controllable. So I would recommend those to anyone who feel disappointed in their investment into Trick pedals - the relatively low-cost upgrade totally changes the game.

    Also to mention - the customer support of ACD exceeded any expectations!

  • #141

    Marc CUCULIERE (Wednesday, 02 October 2024 10:35)

    Hi there,
    ACD hardware is outstanding.

    I've started with the Ultimate drive shaft for the Iron Cobra. I was looking for it from Tama, the price was a bit expensive, so I looked for an alternative and I found ACD, for a few euros more I was able to get something way more qualitative, and on top of that I could contribute to the passionate work of a real craftsman.
    Once the hardware recieved ... I was really surprised by the quality. The feeling on my double pedal was ... terrible : I had to practice a lot beacause the left pedal was really as responsive as the right one :-)
    The I bought the Direct Drive for Iron Cobra : Flawless victory !
    Then, I purchased The Phantom, with a special mounting :)
    The left pedal moves the right hammer ... Honnestly, it wierd but mesmerizing :)
    Looking for triggers now ...
    Maybe for concerts one day, i'll be equiped with a Darwin !
    Many Thanks to Dennis for his devotion to build amazing handmade hardware.

  • #140

    Anthony (Sunday, 29 September 2024 23:33)

    I ordered a spring geometry upgrade pearl version for a.... gibraltar pedal, of course I contacted Dennis first to ask him if it would fit my pedal, and it does !! So if your pedal is neither pearl nor tama, contact Dennis anyway with the specs of your pedal and he will let you know if it's still compatible or not. Also ordered the ultimate driveshaft and now I'm able to place my pedals however I want without any copromise, highly recommended !! My next pedals shall definitely be ACD unliited (when I can afford it lol)
    Long Live ACD Ulimited !!!

  • #139

    Nikola (Tuesday, 24 September 2024 12:15)

    I highly recommend ACD! Dennis has been incredibly helpful throughout the entire process. The products are top-notch, and the customer service goes above and beyond. If you're looking for quality drum gear and a team that truly cares about their customers, ACD is the place to go!"

  • #138

    M.L. (Wednesday, 18 September 2024 13:47)

    I sent 6 emails/inquiries to Axis support asking about parts because I want to upgrade my pedals. Nobody replied. That's was the time I realized Axis is prehistoric.

    So I went ahead and ordered ACD Darwin pedals. I've been back and forth with Dennis via email in customizing the pedal to my liking and 11 months later, they're now in transit to me.

    Axis still hasn't replied to me until this day =)

  • #137

    Ron mai (Monday, 09 September 2024 03:05)

    I received my new ACD middle pedals a few day ago. They are on my 60’s Gretsch kit.
    I can’t believe how smooth, responsive, and light they feel. It has to be the best, most appreciated purchase I have ever made. Dennis has created a monster, and I’ve got a saddle on it. He truly is the artist I’ve always claimed him to be, as well as a genuine good guy for his customer interaction.
    Very well done…

  • #136

    Johannes Rantala (Tuesday, 20 August 2024 09:59)

    Dennis is the coolest guy and his products and customer service is always top notch! 5/5

  • #135

    Joey (Tuesday, 13 August 2024 15:55)

    I bought the beater on it's own and it made my entire pedal setup so much more precise. I can change bass drum sizes and hoop types and never worry that I won't be able to strike in the right part of the head to get the feel and sound I want. It was a pleasure using the online store and receiving my order with so much care.

  • #134

    jason (Wednesday, 07 August 2024 06:57)

    Awesome Upgrades!!..With the Direct Drive,and the Recently Purchased Spring Geometry it totally transformed my Iron Cobra HP600.I Probably would have bought the UltimateDriveshaft,But I already have the Trick.I Also have the beater shifters which i like also.Like Already Stated,the pedal is super fast and sticks to your feet with less effort...I had the Quick Torque Cam,which I ditched for The Spring Geometry.Glad I Did.Kudos for all the great products!!

  • #133

    Cody Johns (Saturday, 03 August 2024 19:04)

    Dennis is a one man army! Communication was amazing, incredibly helpful, obviously making the best pedals on the planet right now. I don’t know how he does it, but we must protect this man at all costs! Thank you again!

  • #132

    Aki heikkinen (Friday, 02 August 2024 14:11)

    the drive shaft arrived today and immediately tested. all I can say is that it's damn good. completely from another planet compared to the original tama drive shaft. no latency in the slave pedal. absolutely super!
    thank you very much!
    Best regards. Aki from Finland

  • #131

    Johnny Wall (Friday, 26 July 2024 02:08)

    I received and installed the R1 bias rod in my Trick Bigfoot pedal today. Massive difference! I was able to increase my spring tension a bit and move the beater back, too. Snappier and more consistent feel through the stroke with more power. Fantastic service from Dennis! Thank you!

  • #130

    stefan resch (Friday, 19 July 2024 23:46)

    Lieber Dennis,

    vielen vielen Dank für dieses tolle Fußpedal. Ich habs heute zum ersten mal ausprobiert und ich muss sagen: Einfach nur der Hammer!

    Spielt sich sehr angenehm und Heel Toe mit Triggern ist mit diesem Pedal einfach ein Traum.

    Danke auch für die netten kleinen Messages auf dem Koffer und in dem Koffer. Das macht alles sehr persönlich und malt einem ein Lächeln ins Gesicht.

    Einfach nur spitze!

    Vielen Dank


  • #129

    Nikalus Garrido (Tuesday, 16 July 2024 03:58)

    I have order the following for my two single pedal Tama Iron Cobras:
    Long Board Conversion
    Direct Drive Upgrade
    Spring Geometry Upgrade
    Dynamic Beaters
    And a custom order of two 1" 3d printed heel plate riser blocks
    All are absolutely phenomenal! Dennis is the man and anything you order from him today should have been ordered yesterday. Outstanding quality, craftsmanship, and care go into everything he does.
    You're the man Dennis, but you already knew that ;)
    Much love brotha! Keep it up!

  • #128

    James Hansford-White (Thursday, 11 July 2024 12:21)

    I am absolutely blown away by the Ultimate Drive Shaft, thank you Dennis for the incredible craftsmanship and overall build quality. My left pedal feels noticeably smoother/effortless compared with my stock drive shaft. Thank you also for the great customer service. I suspect you might hear from me soon about Darwins :)

  • #127

    Ron Mai (Friday, 05 July 2024 17:48)

    I woke up early this morning, on my 70th birthday, to a note from Dennis that my universal drive shaft, and remote hi-hat had shipped…
    What a wonderful way to start my day!
    The artful machining and thought that goes into every aspect of the product is why ACD is my go-to for the greatest drum hardware on the planet
    Thanks Dennis, for your hard work!

  • #126

    Marvan (Thursday, 27 June 2024 03:20)

    Just received adapters for may ACD Darwin drive shafts! 5 days form ordering to delivery to the US! Unheard of! These drive shafts are w/o question the best in the business! Thank you Dennis for your innovative vision, craftsmanship!

  • #125

    Nicolas Riegel (Tuesday, 25 June 2024 09:08)

    Best Quality with the best Service!
    Schnell und persönlich �
    Nothing to complain about!!
    Perfectly organized ��
    The Real Deal! Thanks heaps Dennis, you’re the man!! ❤️
    Kann’s absolut jedem empfehlen! �

  • #124

    Jason (Tuesday, 18 June 2024 22:29)

    Very pleasant experience dealing with ACD.Im blown away at how fast I received my Direct drive Iron Cobra upgrade from Austria to So.Cal.. also impressed with the build quality.Nice work Sir,Dennis is a pedal Wizard!!

  • #123

    Sal (Saturday, 15 June 2024 17:04)

    The Ultimate Drive Shaft is amazing and worth every penny! I observe zero difference in beater swing between the main and slave pedals for the first 4-5 swings on my Tama Speed Cobras. Most importantly, I get same performance even when I put the pedal at angle (which is often necessary when setting up in tight spaces). The difference between this and stock shaft is night and day. I cannot recommend this product enough!