aka. the little guestbook. :-) - If you want to leave a comment about your experience with ACD, please feel free to share a few words.
Comments: 172
Kjetil Hammerseth(Monday, 03 March 2025 13:16)
Forgot to mention, the incredible customer service! Dennis is always on the ball, and as helpful as one can be.
Kjetil Hammerseth(Monday, 03 March 2025 13:15)
I have been playing my Phantom double pedals for a couple of weeks now, tinkering with the settings and making them 'my own'. In short, these are the absolute best pedals I have ever owned.
Firstly, the solid construction and build quality of the pedal is phenomenal. The craftsmanship of Dennis truly shows, but became even more apparent to me when I started doing adjustments. The
thought put into the different adjustments and the vast range of feel I'm able to achieve from these pedals are extremely impressing to say the least. Having played light pedals, heavy pedals, chains
and a few direct drives all these years while trying to improve my own bass drum technique - I can truly say that these pedals have no limitations at all as to what I am able to play, and want to be
able to play!
They are 100% worth the investment, considering you really do get one of the absolutely best designed (if not THE best) pedals ever. Fully CNC machined, quality parts and particular yet ingenious
ways of adjustments make up a fantastic feeling pedal.
Joe Ballestrini(Monday, 03 March 2025 10:43)
Dennis is really an awesome guy. He worked with me to help me figure out payment from overseas and has been very polite and professional. Highly recommend ACD Unlimited for all your top quality
drumming needs.
James(Tuesday, 25 February 2025 01:11)
I've had a Tama DynaSync for about 2.5 years, and in that time have had two of their standard drive shafts fall apart on me - one at a gig!
Even before this they had a lot of 'play' in them and it was always hard to coordinate my left foot.
Seeing the announcement for the 'mirror rod' felt like an insult, so not being keen on getting 'shafted' again, I decided to look elsewhere - and after some research decided to buy the ACD ultimate
It's an absolutely huge upgrade to the DynaSync, my double kick is more even and generally sounds more powerful - I'll certainly be in the market for a Darwin once I've saved up a few more pennies!
Stephen(Saturday, 22 February 2025 02:10)
As a self proclaimed “gearitis” sufferer, I’ve tried darn near every pedal out there from the big manufactures, buying and selling to fund the next. Needless to say, after experimenting and playing
on the Darwin double pedal for 2 years now, it’s the one piece of gear I can confidently say I’ll be keeping for as long as I am able to bang on the drums. In terms of quality and adjustability,
Dennis has really taken everything into consideration. They are not just great for blazing fast metal either; they feel amazing underfoot regardless of musical application. Looking forward to trying
out the little brother Phantom pedals down the road!
BeatMachinery(Thursday, 20 February 2025 14:37)
I am the happy owner of a Phantom Middle double pedal and a pair of Phantoms. I have been testing and enjoying them for a little less than a year now, and I can say , without any hesitation , they
are the best pedals (along with the Darwins) , available in the global market.
I play electronic music and the level of accuracy , finesse , smoothness and control that you will be able to achieve with these pedals, is simply unmatched by any other brand.
My search for a pedal that encompasses all of the previous mentioned features has now finished , as the Phantom offers all of them and we cannot forget the high level of customization.
These pedals stick to your feet , making it possible to execute patterns that might seem impossible to play, without the precision and quality of the building , compared with any other pedal I had
tried in the past.
I wouldn't like to leave aside the spring geometry concept , which is high-level engineering manufacturing , not seen in other pedals. Arguably , this is what makes the pedal so efficient , so that ,
giving these pedals a clear advantage over any of their competitors.
I cannot say anything but positive aspects about these pedals.
I simply can't imagine myself playing with any other brand from now on. I am looking forward to trying the Darwins and I am absolutely sure they are pure perfection , as they are the Phantoms.
Dominik(Thursday, 06 February 2025 10:17)
Recently the ACD conversion (longboard and strap drive) for my Iron Cobra arrived. Once againI'm thrilled with the manufacturing quality. And: The Iron Cobra is now a completely new pedal when it
comes to the feel! Thanks!
I also use the Ultimate Drive Shaft on my Dyna Sync, same completely positive experience.
Currently I am torn between the Phantom and the Darwin double pedal. The Darwin is the ultimate pedal for me. But, on the other hand, the Phantoms have everything that I long for and do also have a
larger footboard - difficult decision...
nicholas(Wednesday, 05 February 2025 17:02)
Purchased replacement heel blocks, drive shaft and beaters for my old axis. These are excellent products and great experience all around! I can't recommend it enough.
Ari Räsänen(Tuesday, 04 February 2025 07:44)
Everything went fine. quality stuff.
Dennis is a great guy!
Simon(Monday, 03 February 2025 15:21)
The Phantom is an incredible pedal, the overall quality is just nuts!
Dennis is a wizard and it's just great to have such talented people among us.
if you're wondering about the "not full" baseplate, with a drum rug and the scratches delivered by ACD the pedal doesn't move at all, and for the inverted drum beater (left pedal controls the right
beater), in like 3 seconds your brain is used to it.
So, if you hesitate, just don't and go for it :)
Konrad Troost(Tuesday, 21 January 2025 12:15)
Vor über 50 Jahren habe ich mit der Ludwig Speed King angefangen. Es gab lange keinen Ersatz für das Teil und ich habe so ziemlich alles ausprobiert: Sonor, Tama, Pearl. Kette und Riemen. Als dann
Axis in den späten 90 zigern auf den Markt kam, war, glaube ich, Drums Only in Koblenz der Exklusivhändler für Deutschland. Mit dem Axis lernte ich Doppelpedale kennen und ich blieb dabei.
Direktantrieb ist mein Ding. Mein kürzlich erworbenes neues Ludwig Speed King Pedal kommt auch zum Einsatz (für Akustik Gigs mit wenig Aufwand) und der nostalgische Faktor zaubert Glücksgefühle beim
Gig. Dann gab es ein kurzes Desaster mit dem Drumnetics Twin Pedal, weil ich das Konzept mit dem Magneten genial finde. Bei der Feinjustierung stellte sich kein Glücksgefühl ein.
Bei Axis kann ich auf Dauer nicht bleiben, weil Ersatzteile und Service problematisch sind. Warum also die Darwin Pedale? Wegen dem Service! Die Einstellmöglichkeiten vom Axis Konzept sind für mein
technisches Können mehr als ausreichend, aber das Modularkonzept von Dennis mit den unterschiedlichsten Möglichkeiten zum Umrüsten ist einzigartig. Die Aussicht auf einen funktionierenden
Reparaturservice und die allseits gelobte Verarbeitung der Darwin Pedale mit einem Ansprechpartner sind alles Argumente für meine Entscheidung. Ich freue mich auf den September 2025!
Marco M. Molitor (Groove-Barista)(Monday, 20 January 2025 09:35)
Simply the best pedal I've ever played.
Once you've played the Darwin, you'll always play the Darwin. It's that simple!
Groovy thanks from Bonn, Germany!
Kjetil Hammerseth(Saturday, 18 January 2025 20:06)
Always a pleasure doing business with Dennis. Fantastic quality parts and service as usual.
Sebastian(Wednesday, 15 January 2025 19:10)
Got my Darwin pedals overhauled after heavy use. Everything perfect. Wouldn't change back to another brand ever. Thank you David!
Tim(Monday, 13 January 2025 01:45)
Purchased the geometry upgrade for my Tama double kick. Amazing the difference. Great correspondence and service with Dennis.
Looking forward to the next upgrade!
Lars Müller(Thursday, 09 January 2025 15:14)
The Ultimate DriveShaft is such a nice step up from what comes with most pedals. Worth every penny, thank you Dennis!
Johannes Klein(Wednesday, 08 January 2025 22:20)
I already have an ACD middle pedal and absolutely adore it. Now I updated my Tama Dyna-Sync double pedal with Dennis' excellent drive shaft. Made a difference of night and day, I was instantaneously
able to adjust the pedal so that the beaters swing synchroniously. And the playing �, the slave pedal doesn't feel like a slave anymore. Fantastic job, Dennis!!!
Devin L(Tuesday, 07 January 2025 21:53)
Good stuff �
Bogdan(Monday, 30 December 2024 10:00)
I bought the ACD Remote Hihat. I highly recommend spending the extra 100/150 euros and getting the ACD pedal instead of TAMA/Pearl. Very good craftsmanship and engineering, materials are high quality
and Dennis's support is top tier.
If you order for electronic drums (Roland), make sure to message Dennis for his rotation stopper.
Thank you
Matthew Maloney(Thursday, 19 December 2024 04:59)
ACD Unlimited is incredible-- outstanding craftsmanship, top-notch professionalism, and Dennis is simply a nice guy! THANK YOU!! ^_^
Andreas Köhne(Saturday, 14 December 2024 11:26)
Seit vier Jahren spiele ich ein Darwin-Doppelpedal und eine Remote Hihat und ich werde dabei bleiben. Einstellmöglichkeiten und Spielbarkeit sind einzigartig und die Pedale sind robust und
zuverlässig. Der Mailkontakt zu Dennis ist immer unproblematisch und sollte mal ein Teil benötigt werden, ist dieses in kürzester Zeit im Briefkasten. Austria rules! ; ) Und nicht nur im Skifahren.
Micah Reynolds(Thursday, 12 December 2024 02:02)
I picked up the new heel risers that Dennis designed for Trick pedals.
They are phenomenal in build quality and utilization. Installation was easy and they have improved my playing as a heel-up drummer.
I can't wait to pick out and install other ACD upgrades!
Michael Nießen(Monday, 25 November 2024 13:25)
Just recieved the spare parts with a small surpise on top. Amazing Service. ��
thibault from paris(Monday, 18 November 2024 10:38)
exactly what i need for my old rusty 98 Iron Cobra
René Diget(Thursday, 07 November 2024 16:29)
What a pleasant discovery of a absolutely 100% A-grade manufacturer with a passion for what is produced.
Customer service is also top tier and the product even arrived with a little treat.
This shop deserves more attention!
Joan Chilet(Friday, 25 October 2024 09:41)
After reading a lot on the website and different forums and watching a lot of helpful videos, I decided to sell my demon drives and buy a Phantom double with strap drive. Best pedal ever! Also,
Dennis is probably the nicest guy in the business and provides without a doubt the best customer service I've ever experienced in my life. If you're considering getting some ACD stuff, don't
I'm so happy with my Phantom double, that I've ordered a second set (direct drive this time) after 8 months.
Jean-Baptiste Pol(Thursday, 24 October 2024 01:33)
I've heard about ACD for a long time and as a professional drummer I was very interested in these pedals. I’ve played several direct drives in the last 20 years: Axis, Demon Drive and Trick.
Strangely I’ve always had an embarrassment, a feeling of having a little latency on the left foot despite the quality of the equipment. I’ve been using Pearl Eliminator for two years, a good
mid-range pedal but whose many concerts have used it too quickly. After seeing the possibility of upgrading it on the ACD website I took everything that was possible: longboard, direct drive, drive
shaft, spring and beaters. A quick installation later the result is clear: it's very impressive. Everything inspires solidity and quality. But it’s the drive shaft that impresses me the most, for the
first time in my life I feel like I have two kicks. I no longer have to compensate for anything with the left foot and it's particularly enjoyable. I am also extremely satisfied with the laser
engraving whose rendering is absolutely perfect. Last point, Dennis is a very nice guy and the exchange by email was flawless, his responsiveness, his listening and his professionalism were very
appreciable. I understand that the price can make you hesitate but trusting Dennis and ACD is choosing quality equipment that you will not find anywhere else. I'm still blown away by my practice
session and I can’t wait to use them on stage this week-end.
Thank Dennis, you are a magician ��
J.G.(Monday, 14 October 2024 18:35)
Ich spiele die FTW nun seit August. Ich bin absolut angetan von der Qualität und dem durchdachten Engineering. Man merkt einfach, dass das Pedal, welches an den Füßen klebt, nichts von der Stange
ist. Eine größere Investition, die aber aus meiner Sicht jeden Cent wert ist. Auch bin ich mir sicher, dass - wenn es mal irgendwelche Probleme geben sollte - Dennis direkt mit Rat und Tat da sein
Viele Grüße
Allan(Friday, 11 October 2024 14:57)
I decided to replace the short boards on my eliminators with some ACD longboards - and I have to say I'm really impressed with the quality.
Not only are they easy to install but the bearings are super smooth and I have zero issues with my feet sliding around on them.
Rainer Gartner(Thursday, 10 October 2024 12:38)
Einfach nur genial und perfekt. Ich habe noch nie bessere Pedale gespielt und werde das wohl auch nicht mehr nach dem Darwin.
Sensationell gut und zu 100% zu empfehlen.
Martin Jüssi(Monday, 07 October 2024 09:29)
I have played the Trick V1 for such a long time that I do not remember how other pedals feel. This summer I read something about the "spongy-like" feeling that is natural to the compression springs
and realized that this had been one of my major frustrations with these pedals - I had thought the problem had been in my technique, and had been keeping the bass drum tilted towards the pedals to
reduce that feeling. After that realization I did the ACD (R2) bias rod upgrade to the pedals.
With the upgrade, the feeling changed completely, and the pedals feel very much lighter and more controllable. So I would recommend those to anyone who feel disappointed in their investment into
Trick pedals - the relatively low-cost upgrade totally changes the game.
Also to mention - the customer support of ACD exceeded any expectations!
Marc CUCULIERE(Wednesday, 02 October 2024 10:35)
Hi there,
ACD hardware is outstanding.
I've started with the Ultimate drive shaft for the Iron Cobra. I was looking for it from Tama, the price was a bit expensive, so I looked for an alternative and I found ACD, for a few euros more I
was able to get something way more qualitative, and on top of that I could contribute to the passionate work of a real craftsman.
Once the hardware recieved ... I was really surprised by the quality. The feeling on my double pedal was ... terrible : I had to practice a lot beacause the left pedal was really as responsive as the
right one :-)
The I bought the Direct Drive for Iron Cobra : Flawless victory !
Then, I purchased The Phantom, with a special mounting :)
The left pedal moves the right hammer ... Honnestly, it wierd but mesmerizing :)
Looking for triggers now ...
Maybe for concerts one day, i'll be equiped with a Darwin !
Many Thanks to Dennis for his devotion to build amazing handmade hardware.
Anthony(Sunday, 29 September 2024 23:33)
I ordered a spring geometry upgrade pearl version for a.... gibraltar pedal, of course I contacted Dennis first to ask him if it would fit my pedal, and it does !! So if your pedal is neither pearl
nor tama, contact Dennis anyway with the specs of your pedal and he will let you know if it's still compatible or not. Also ordered the ultimate driveshaft and now I'm able to place my pedals however
I want without any copromise, highly recommended !! My next pedals shall definitely be ACD unliited (when I can afford it lol)
Long Live ACD Ulimited !!!
Nikola(Tuesday, 24 September 2024 12:15)
I highly recommend ACD! Dennis has been incredibly helpful throughout the entire process. The products are top-notch, and the customer service goes above and beyond. If you're looking for quality
drum gear and a team that truly cares about their customers, ACD is the place to go!"
M.L.(Wednesday, 18 September 2024 13:47)
I sent 6 emails/inquiries to Axis support asking about parts because I want to upgrade my pedals. Nobody replied. That's was the time I realized Axis is prehistoric.
So I went ahead and ordered ACD Darwin pedals. I've been back and forth with Dennis via email in customizing the pedal to my liking and 11 months later, they're now in transit to me.
Axis still hasn't replied to me until this day =)
Ron mai(Monday, 09 September 2024 03:05)
I received my new ACD middle pedals a few day ago. They are on my 60’s Gretsch kit.
I can’t believe how smooth, responsive, and light they feel. It has to be the best, most appreciated purchase I have ever made. Dennis has created a monster, and I’ve got a saddle on it. He truly is
the artist I’ve always claimed him to be, as well as a genuine good guy for his customer interaction.
Very well done…
Johannes Rantala(Tuesday, 20 August 2024 09:59)
Dennis is the coolest guy and his products and customer service is always top notch! 5/5
Joey(Tuesday, 13 August 2024 15:55)
I bought the beater on it's own and it made my entire pedal setup so much more precise. I can change bass drum sizes and hoop types and never worry that I won't be able to strike in the right part of
the head to get the feel and sound I want. It was a pleasure using the online store and receiving my order with so much care.
jason(Wednesday, 07 August 2024 06:57)
Awesome Upgrades!!..With the Direct Drive,and the Recently Purchased Spring Geometry it totally transformed my Iron Cobra HP600.I Probably would have bought the UltimateDriveshaft,But I already have
the Trick.I Also have the beater shifters which i like also.Like Already Stated,the pedal is super fast and sticks to your feet with less effort...I had the Quick Torque Cam,which I ditched for The
Spring Geometry.Glad I Did.Kudos for all the great products!!
Cody Johns(Saturday, 03 August 2024 19:04)
Dennis is a one man army! Communication was amazing, incredibly helpful, obviously making the best pedals on the planet right now. I don’t know how he does it, but we must protect this man at all
costs! Thank you again!
Aki heikkinen(Friday, 02 August 2024 14:11)
the drive shaft arrived today and immediately tested. all I can say is that it's damn good. completely from another planet compared to the original tama drive shaft. no latency in the slave pedal.
absolutely super!
thank you very much!
Best regards. Aki from Finland
Johnny Wall(Friday, 26 July 2024 02:08)
I received and installed the R1 bias rod in my Trick Bigfoot pedal today. Massive difference! I was able to increase my spring tension a bit and move the beater back, too. Snappier and more
consistent feel through the stroke with more power. Fantastic service from Dennis! Thank you!
stefan resch(Friday, 19 July 2024 23:46)
Lieber Dennis,
vielen vielen Dank für dieses tolle Fußpedal. Ich habs heute zum ersten mal ausprobiert und ich muss sagen: Einfach nur der Hammer!
Spielt sich sehr angenehm und Heel Toe mit Triggern ist mit diesem Pedal einfach ein Traum.
Danke auch für die netten kleinen Messages auf dem Koffer und in dem Koffer. Das macht alles sehr persönlich und malt einem ein Lächeln ins Gesicht.
Einfach nur spitze!
Vielen Dank
Nikalus Garrido(Tuesday, 16 July 2024 03:58)
I have order the following for my two single pedal Tama Iron Cobras:
Long Board Conversion
Direct Drive Upgrade
Spring Geometry Upgrade
Dynamic Beaters
And a custom order of two 1" 3d printed heel plate riser blocks
All are absolutely phenomenal! Dennis is the man and anything you order from him today should have been ordered yesterday. Outstanding quality, craftsmanship, and care go into everything he
You're the man Dennis, but you already knew that ;)
Much love brotha! Keep it up!
James Hansford-White(Thursday, 11 July 2024 12:21)
I am absolutely blown away by the Ultimate Drive Shaft, thank you Dennis for the incredible craftsmanship and overall build quality. My left pedal feels noticeably smoother/effortless compared with
my stock drive shaft. Thank you also for the great customer service. I suspect you might hear from me soon about Darwins :)
Ron Mai(Friday, 05 July 2024 17:48)
I woke up early this morning, on my 70th birthday, to a note from Dennis that my universal drive shaft, and remote hi-hat had shipped…
What a wonderful way to start my day!
The artful machining and thought that goes into every aspect of the product is why ACD is my go-to for the greatest drum hardware on the planet
Thanks Dennis, for your hard work!
Marvan(Thursday, 27 June 2024 03:20)
Just received adapters for may ACD Darwin drive shafts! 5 days form ordering to delivery to the US! Unheard of! These drive shafts are w/o question the best in the business! Thank you Dennis for your
innovative vision, craftsmanship!
Nicolas Riegel(Tuesday, 25 June 2024 09:08)
Best Quality with the best Service!
Schnell und persönlich �
Nothing to complain about!!
Perfectly organized ��
The Real Deal! Thanks heaps Dennis, you’re the man!! ❤️
Kann’s absolut jedem empfehlen! �
Jason(Tuesday, 18 June 2024 22:29)
Very pleasant experience dealing with ACD.Im blown away at how fast I received my Direct drive Iron Cobra upgrade from Austria to So.Cal.. also impressed with the build quality.Nice work Sir,Dennis
is a pedal Wizard!!
Sal(Saturday, 15 June 2024 17:04)
The Ultimate Drive Shaft is amazing and worth every penny! I observe zero difference in beater swing between the main and slave pedals for the first 4-5 swings on my Tama Speed Cobras. Most
importantly, I get same performance even when I put the pedal at angle (which is often necessary when setting up in tight spaces). The difference between this and stock shaft is night and day. I
cannot recommend this product enough!
Michael Kitchens(Sunday, 09 June 2024 18:17)
Dennis is a true craftsman and makes the best pedal I have ever used. Every component is well thought out and formed to perfection. Besides the product Dennis makes the experience much better with
his kindness and care of the craft, this differs greatly from buying from large brands. Best wishes to your future.
BryanForceDrums(Monday, 03 June 2024 11:56)
Dennis is an absolute wizard and the best in the business. His upgrades for all different types/brands of pedals are just world class. Not only that, but he is an incredibly nice and caring person
who genuinely wants everyone who visits or shops his store to leave happy. 10 out of 10.
Mane(Monday, 03 June 2024 11:12)
I‘m using the Darwin Double Pedal live and at home for several years now and didn‘t run into a single issue with them. Absolutly well crafted product with tons of options, great functionality and
astonishing looks. Working with Dennis is beyond compare - every task is handled in not time and he has smart solution for everthing!
Also got some upgrades for my speedcobra which definetly take the pedals on another level!
Always my pleasure, 100% recommendation!!
Hannes(Tuesday, 28 May 2024 16:06)
Just got my Phantom Shortboard double pedal with strap drive! I have been loking for a new pedal to replace my Speed Cobra for ages, I have tried Tama Dynasync, Axis Longboard, Pearl Demondrive,
Pearl XR and Yamaha FP9 but they all felt wrong.
The Phantoms are perfect, the exponential resistance in the springs allows you to play both powerful slower singles and fast heel-toe stuff without any compromises, it is light and snappy, and the
build quality is superb!
Keep up the good work!
Raven Banner (SE)
Carter Pochynok(Tuesday, 21 May 2024 01:59)
Absolutely floored by the quality of ACD components! Coming from a family of aerospace engineers and having a close friend who is an aerospace machinist, I've learned the signs of quality work AND
THIS IS IT. As a drum tech, I've begun recommending these products to clients seeking more performance out of their high-end pedals.
Judging by the slight markings of a CNC end mill, I'd say that these are all billet-machined from aerospace grade metals down to the tension rods... AND HE'S NOT EVEN ADVERTISING THAT!!
The fact that my mods showed up on my birthday with some nice candies in the box really just put the icing on the cake. Couldn't be more pleased with my experience.
Dennis, if you read this: YOU ARE THE MAN. Keep up the great work!!
Elias(Thursday, 16 May 2024 15:32)
I've bought the ACD Drive Shaft because my Tama (Speed Cobra 910) one started to get stuck at the right side of the bearings (The side which connects to the main Pedal)
So I always heard about the ACD Drive Shaft and finally decited to go and buy one.
I am more than happy and I can reccomend the Drive Shaft as a Metal Drummer, who needs a fast respond from the slave Pedal as well.
Since my footboard is starting to get cracks out of nowhere, I will probabl buy myself the Darwin Footboard as well :) . \w/
Brennan(Tuesday, 07 May 2024 22:09)
Just got the beater shifter and the spring geometry upgrade for my Tama Dyna-Sync pedal, and wow. The difference is mind blowing. My bass drum head is no longer rubbed by the direct drive pulley bc
the beater shifter allows the beater to be close enough not to have to tilt my drum as much to get rid of the obtuse angle. The spring geometry upgrade allows me to implement speed, dynamics and
control like never before. Dennis knows what he’s doing like none of the major manufacturers do, and I’m so stoked that he makes hardware fixes and upgrades so accessible!
Jörg(Friday, 03 May 2024 10:48)
ich habe seit ein paar Wochen die Game Changer in Betrieb. Was soll ich sagen, einfach perfekt! Durch die super feine Einstellung am Rädchen, musste ich am Modul gar nichts ändern.
Vielen Dank an Dennis, für den sehr netten Kontakt und auch die schnelle Lieferung.
Ethan Breithaupt(Thursday, 02 May 2024 15:58)
Dennis was great t work with. I could not be happier. The pedals are well worth the wait.
Ian(Thursday, 02 May 2024 10:57)
I don't really leave reviews but feel compelled to do so. I've been playing on and off for almost 40 years. In that time, I've used an Iron Cobra, Speed Cobra, DW 9000, Trick Pro 1V, Rogers
Dynomatic, Pearl Demon Drive and P2000, Tama HP50, PDP Concept, Offset Middle Pedal, Sonor Giant Step Single and Middle and numerous others I can't recall. I managed to find a used strap drive Darwin
FTW pedal. This also came with the Fat Boy cam (using that and is perfect). All I can say is don't wait, just buy one! I'm mainly a heal down player (playing funk, pop and rock) and without doubt,
this is the very best pedal I've every used by a long, long way. It literally feels like it is an extension of my foot. Amazing build quality and having dealt with Dennis before, the product support
I'd second to none.
If you're buying new, they are absolutely worth the price and wait!
Adam(Wednesday, 24 April 2024 21:53)
The ultimate drive shaft is amazing! A 10/10 upgrade for my pedal! Thank you so much Dennis!
Cheers from Hungary!
Kacper(Thursday, 18 April 2024 13:10)
Dennis is the guy! Despite some delay he stayed in touch and informed me about everything. Everything went smoothly and he is ready to help always :D
Matthew Maloney(Tuesday, 16 April 2024 15:21)
Dennis is a Master Craftsman and a genuinely nice guy! ( I'm glad that it happens to be drum equipment.) :P Thanks, Dennis!
Philip Boccabella(Wednesday, 10 April 2024 15:32)
Dennis is a pleasure to deal with.Prompt, exact……a proud innovator.
Mathieu(Thursday, 28 March 2024 09:56)
I got your package yesterday and got to try them out a little.
The Darwins are the best I ever played with, by a long shot. I didn't even take time to mess with the settings appart from switching to the heavy springs.
The pedals work great a every tempo. Never felt myself struggling against the pedal at precise tempo. From slow to fast, i feel that I have total control over what's going on. Particularly
I can feel every impact. I feared that coming from direct drive to strap drive I would loose the feeling of the drumhead under my foot. I don't know how you did it but it's better with the strap
drive. Even at high tempo I can feel every impact through my feet.
They are perfectly balanced. When I play with the pedal alone (no kickdrum, no pad, nothing), the pedal stays perfectly still. Doing so with the Dominator makes the pedal wobble from left to right.
Surely a big wast of energy.
The build quality is incredible. Such object is pure wizardry.
I can't wait to mess with the settings and find the perfect tuning.
Until then, thank you very much for taking the time, effort and brainpower to make such an amazing pedal.
Cheers !
Boris Gordiyenko(Wednesday, 27 March 2024 19:24)
I first came across ACD when I was looking for ways to improve a set of Axis longboards. And boy did Dennis deliver on that front. After replacing the driveshaft, heel blocks and beaters with the ACD
ones it was like an entirely new much improved pedal. That initial purchase really got me interested in the brand and other products that ACD offered. And after watching some videos about the Darwin,
I just knew that I had to have one someday. I now own two of them, one in strap drive and one in the direct drive configuration and I can say hands down they are by far the best pedals I have ever
had the pleasure of playing. None of the other high end direct drive pedals that I've bought and subsequently sold have come close to the features and playability of the Darwin. Coupled with the Game
Changer triggers, I could not dream of a better set-up. Thank you Dennis and ACD for all you've done and continue to do for the metal drumming community �
Joan(Sunday, 10 March 2024 17:05)
Phantom double arrived last Thursday, and I had a concert scheduled for Friday, so my thought was I would use my trusted Demon chains, because you know, I was going to need some days to adjust my
feet to the feel of the new pedals. Well, I went to the practice studio to pack up things for Friday, but couldn't resist at least trying a little the Phantoms, and man! WHAT AN AMAZING MACHINE YOU
Used it for 10 minutes, put the Demons back in the bass drum and immediately hated them, so I went with the Phantoms live, and I couldn't be happier and more comfortable (haven't touched the settings
out of the box so far)
So, thank you for building amazing pedals, and I'm definitely getting the phantom case once you have it ready. I'm even considering a second phantom double in the future for the Edrum and as a
Cheers and best wishes from Spain
Markus(Friday, 01 March 2024 16:12)
The universal drive shaft is fenominal. Verry good work...
Thanks for this grate Upgrade for my Tama Speed Cobra...
Bob Nelson(Friday, 01 March 2024 06:38)
Dennis and his crew are solid! Any repair/ question / general issue concerning ACD gear is always immediately addressed and rectified. Always support independent small business. ACD is innovation.
Innovation is progress. Thank you!
Thibaud(Tuesday, 27 February 2024 17:14)
Second order to Dennis, always good advice, really good product and such a nice guy.
It's a pleasure !
Robert Brasted(Tuesday, 27 February 2024 05:57)
I Purchased the ACD Darwin FTW double back in Jan. 2023 and just received it about 3 weeks ago and let me tell you this pedal is well worth the wait. The pedal is a beast! It feels awesome under my
foot and i feel like i play much better with this pedal. I have had pedals from dw, Trick, Axis, Pearl and Tama and none of them come close to the feel of this pedal. Dennis is awesome as well and
answered all my questions and concerns i had before purchase. Very Happy Customer.
Aki Koskinen(Friday, 23 February 2024 15:49)
Bought spring geometry and ultimate drive shaft upgrades for Pearl Eliminators. Thank you Dennis! Both are great upgrades that unleash the full potential of the pedals.
Davide(Thursday, 22 February 2024 15:20)
I gave had my ACD Phantom double pedal for about a week now and I still can't believe how amazing this product is. I got the longboards with the strap drive. The response is phenomenal, thanks to the
combination of spring geometry, large linear cam and the lightness of the strap. The driveshaft with its high quality bearings is so smooth they might as well be two single pedals. Every single
detail about these pedals is so thoughtful and brilliant, and dare I say, sometimes even revolutionary. Even my band mates were speechless, especially the one who knows about metal artisanship and
what it entails.
I cannot recommend the Phantom enough. I will be bringing mine with me everywhere I play.
David Gonzales(Thursday, 22 February 2024 09:00)
I love ACD these guys are amazing and there gear so quality you can’t go wrong I got the Direct drive and spring kit for my Tama Speed cobras what a huge difference Thank you looking forward to
getting more gear from these guys and great costumer service the next day my stuff was shipped
Antoine(Friday, 16 February 2024 05:04)
I just received the parcel yesterday, felt like being a child at Christmas time :D
I'd like to SPECIALLY thank you for the extra biscuit and sweets, what a great attention to packaging !
Then comes the pedals. And as expected, after a little quick setup, they deliver.
Man, I don't know where to start... The overall smoothness of operation, the ease of changing every setting, the spring response... When you play 15 years with the same gear, There are details that
you overlook, you're used to it. And then you decide to change, and you re-discover every little detail, it all feels different, but in a very pleasant way !
It's so smooth and pleasant I'd strap my feet to the boards and wear 'em as shoes :D
It lands heavier strokes than the Axis, but still you can get very fast, 250 BPM feels like a breeze.
I still have to tinker a little bit with it to tune it perfectly, but I can already feel how qualitative it is.
What a refreshing and phenomenal piece of hardware !!
That's awesome and smart work you've been putting in the conception of those pedals.
Feels like a love letter to every existing drummer :D
Axis ? Trick drums ? Demon XR ? Dyna-Sync ...? Never heard of 'em !
I'd safely say the ACD Phantom is the way to go.
Thank you very much Dennis, you made another drummer whole again today :)
Wally(Thursday, 08 February 2024 09:29)
Transaction is very fast and Dennis is very assistive.
He answers all my questions about the product very fast.
I will be using my Axis pedal using my new Ultimate Drive Shaft and Heel block while waiting for my Darwin pedals.
Thank you very much ACD!!!!!
Ani(Wednesday, 07 February 2024 23:23)
Just got the axis heel block upgrades about a week ago, such a beautifully crafted part but still so simple that it makes you think why can't the original manufacturers think of these things. Dennis
is truly a lifesaver with these nifty creations. Always a pleasure to speak to him and his passion is really reflected in his work.
Super fast shipping!! Great product!! Incredible person(Dennis)!! Can't ask for much more.
Marvan(Friday, 19 January 2024 22:23)
Dennis continues to be extremely thoughtful, caring w/customers. I had a “break” between ordering & paying for order. He messaged me to see if I had an issue or got hung. Without knowing he sent
links to help! Thx Dennis, much love to you & your top of the line products!
Dan(Thursday, 18 January 2024 10:57)
Huge shout out the main man Dennis.
I had some problems with the connections on my double pedal bar and he sent out replacements right away to the UK.
The service and communication was 10/10
Þórður Gunnarsson(Monday, 15 January 2024 20:09)
Ordered the ultimate driveshaft for my speedcobras and it took only 3.days to arrive from when it was shipped so very fast delivery and there was even some candy in the box!
that driveshaft is a masterpiece was blown away with how much difference it makes from the original driveshaft and for the first time I really can’t tell the difference on the pedals both feel
exactly the same
Thank you very much Dennis and I will be ordering again
Erik(Friday, 12 January 2024 19:21)
Perfect Service and high Quality product. I got longboard conversions for my lefty Tama Speed Cobra and it fits and works better than ever before.
Thanks for the fast delivery and the Little biscuits too.
Kevin Lützenbürger(Monday, 25 December 2023 02:22)
I ordered an Ultimate Driveshaft, and couldn't be happier. Delivery was good and quick, and I don't think there's further need to talk about the build quality and engineering. Absolutely flawless.
Wally Santos(Tuesday, 19 December 2023 08:43)
Already had the heel block for my pedal and the performance is superb! Now I tried ordering the ultimate drive shaft with its add-on parts! Assistance and customer service is the best! Very far from
the support I am having from the company where my existing pedal came from. Looking forward to get my order!
Kudos to you Dennis and team!
P.S. very excited on my DARWIN next year! �
Kyle C(Tuesday, 05 December 2023 20:06)
Got some ACD Phantoms recently, and they can leave a man speechless. These pedals are perfect. I don't think I will ever play another pedal again. I had a Pearl Eliminator with an ACD driveshaft, and
direct drive upgrade before I got the Phantoms, and they were also FANTASTIC with the upgrades from Dennis. I can say that I recommend ACD to every drummer I have met. Dennis not only is great at his
work, but he is also a great person. He was fantastic to work with, and there were absolutely no issues along the way. ACD FOREVER! �
Dwayne B(Tuesday, 28 November 2023 11:36)
I ordered the Speed Cobra Direct Drive conversion kit for my double pedal, and I am blown away even after setting them up for the first time. I still need to tweak my pedals a little to work the way
I want, but I've noticed a difference already the improvement this has made to my pedal. The original chains feel heavier than this new conversion, I even noticed this when I was installing the new
Direct Drive on my pedals, the chains just feel like dead weight.
Before the Speed Cobra, I used an AXIS pedal that had direct drive, but I decided to buy a new Speed Cobra for the fact it had more flexibility on how I could set it up. One thing I did love about
the AXIS pedals however was the direct drive. Not only has Dennis (ACD) given me the opportunity to change the Speed Cobras to a direct drive, but he also provided a VERY high quality product. You
can notice the attention to detail Dennis has put into making this product, it's second to none.
I've been drumming on and off for over 30 years now, and I can notice when something is quality, THIS IS 100% QUALITY!! I recommend ANYBODY that has a Speed/Iron Cobra pedal to look into the Direct
Drive conversion for your pedal, you won't regret it.
Will kumar(Friday, 24 November 2023 16:47)
Amazing products, quick delivery and phenomenal customer service. Even got some free biscuits!! Thanks so much Dennis, you legend.
Lucian Cioarga(Wednesday, 22 November 2023 09:13)
A few years ago I discovered ACD unlimited, bought a midle Offset pedal and was super excited about the products and service! I immediately ordered my Darwin middle pedal and asked Dennis to change
my gimbal from a pedal for cahon! Now 11/22/2023, I received a message that the double pedal Phantom is on its way! I'm super excited about all the ACD products, thank you so much Dennis for
everything, you're a cool guy and a brilliant mechanical engineer!
Philip P.(Wednesday, 22 November 2023 07:42)
I recently recieved my Phantoms and couldn't try them out on my drums yet, but opening the package, taking the pedals out and having a look at all the details was a joy already. Thanks also for the
little handwritten notes for being careful with some screws and also the chocolate!
Communication was really good and fast, orderingprocess rather easy and packaging was really good.
At another point I had an issue with my cobra enhancements in the past, support from Dennis was Top service.
I'm a really happy customer and cant wait to try out my Phantoms and find my right settings on them. Thanks Dennis and ACD!
Christoph(Thursday, 16 November 2023 21:37)
The decision to switch to Darwin Pedals was the best decision of my life! Every single detail was planed and crafted with purpose and love. There’s nothing which could exceed my lovely Darwins.
Thanks Dennis for everything!!!
Brian(Wednesday, 15 November 2023 21:36)
I put the ACD R2 bias rods in my Trick Pro pedals this week. I’ve had them for four years and have changed beaters, footboards, shaft weights, and experimented with many different settings to change
the feel. While I eventually got used to playing them, they never felt as comfortable as I would have liked. The R2s instantly improved the smoothness and the ability to control the pedals
particularly at slower speeds. I was considering selling them but now they feel perfect to my feet. Dennis is a genius.
Jared(Friday, 10 November 2023 04:28)
Bought the phantom double because I’ve wanted a ACD pedal for awhile now….took 3 weeks before I decided to sell every other pedal I had (axis, trick, speed cobra). I’ll only be using acd from now on.
I’m excited to see what kind of interesting upgrades Dennis comes up with.
Ps. Trust Dennis when he says strap drives are the overlooked drive method…highly recommend the strap drives. Both light and fast but also extremely smooth. They’re incredible
Travis Cook(Friday, 03 November 2023 06:17)
I recently purchased the spring geometry upgrade for my Tama Iron Cobras…..and let me tell you….these are THE upgrade your pedals deserve. This parts made my iron cobras feel just as responsive as a
direct drive pedal with a super easy instal.
ALSO the shipping on these items were INSANELY FAST! Coming to the USA I expected it to take some time to get here…I was wrong took a whole 4 days. 100% buying these for every pedal I own from now
Gregory Belzley(Monday, 30 October 2023 12:47)
I recently ordered a pair of N+1 beaters and a strap conversion for my Speed Cobra double pedals. Dennis combined the order for shipping and saved me $28. That kind of customer service is very rare.
And its really cool dealing directly with someone who is devoted to creating the world's best bass drum pedal. Dennis and his product really have my interest, and you can't help but want to support a
great engineer and a businessman who really cares about his customers.
Flynn(Saturday, 28 October 2023 17:28)
Direct drive conversion for the speed cobras are fantastic and incredibly easy to install.
The ultimate drive shaft is absolutely insane, best response and balance I have ever seen from a slave pedal.
Also very fast response and shipping time, you're a legend Dennis!
Ron Mai(Thursday, 26 October 2023 23:37)
Having ordered some auxiliary parts while I await the arrival of my Darwin Middle pedals, I received the beaters that will accentuate my Axis and aforementioned Darwin’s.
The n+1 beaters are truly a work of art, as are all the acquisitions from ACD. The machining, and finish are top notch, belonging in a gallery.
Dennis is involved, a good communicator, hard working, and well deserving of my business
Thanks to ACD for the products they produce, and pride they convey to their industry… So glad I landed on ACD.
Marthyn(Thursday, 19 October 2023 14:13)
High quality products and shipping the same day... you are amazing.
Thx alot, Marthyn
Steven Wolfie Suwanasung(Saturday, 07 October 2023 18:02)
i got the long board kit for the iron cobra and WOW holy SH*t they dont even feel like the same pedals!!! now nomatter where i put my foot it can play. i used to have missed triggers with the factory
foot boards(not sure why) and with the new long boards that is not an issue anymore. if anyone is on the fence about getting the long board conversion DO IT and thank Denis later!
Kjetil Hammerseth(Thursday, 05 October 2023 08:37)
Always a pleasure shopping from Dennis. Best service there is.
Antonio Rey(Wednesday, 04 October 2023 09:44)
Excellent service yet again, highly recommended as always!
Kevin C(Monday, 25 September 2023 22:58)
Fantastic customer service as well as fantastic products! I have my pedals upgraded with these springs, beaters and drive shaft and they're all so much better than the manufacturer ones. I'll
definitely be back and will recommend to others!
Gabor Toth(Thursday, 07 September 2023 17:13)
I forgot to mention a very important thing! The previous twin pedals has strained every time the outside of my ankle with more excessive double bass training and I had to wait at least 2 days
regeneration to try again. These pedals do not do that at all! Just this fact in itself was well worth purchasing the Phantom pedals to me.
Gabor Toth(Thursday, 07 September 2023 17:09)
The ACD 2 single Phantom pedals has arrived today! They are amazing, very much different feel, and for the first time ever in my drumming life, I was able to match the left side setup with the right!
So much configuration options on these - and those can be done easily. Can't wait to try out and compare the drirect drive with strap and vice versa. :)
The pedals immediataly helped to get better balance with my double bass drumming learning and also I was able to do lower bpm-s with the ankle technique, which I never could with my old pedals.
Thank you Dennis!
Ron Mai(Wednesday, 06 September 2023 17:04)
The ACD process of ordering may seem somewhat complicated at first glance.
Ordering a replacement drive line for my Axis Pedals could not have been easier. Dennis interfaced during the fulfillment process, and I was impressed with his involvement. The order was on its way
in a couple of days, from beginning to end less than a week from initiating, to install.
Great company, I’m now looking to the double left Darwin line for a new set of pedals. ACD has many upgrade solutions for existing equipment that I am also interested in…
Erik Moulder(Thursday, 31 August 2023 23:30)
Recently purchased the shirt, r2 bias rods, and spring upgrades for my trick pro-v1 pedals and instantly felt better to me than stock! The shirt is amazing quality too and I wish I ordered more!
Jaakko Vilenius(Wednesday, 23 August 2023 20:26)
Been messing around for a couple of hours with the axis heel upgrade and for everyone thinking if they should buy it or not I'd say go for it. Pedal feels absolutely smoother than before and some
techniques that had me struggling earlier came way easier with the upgrade. Customer service also seems to be top of the line, didn't have any trouble with anything after ordering. Thanks!
Johannes Westendorf(Thursday, 03 August 2023 12:46)
Up to now I'm using the following products from ACD (in order of order ;-))
- Ultimate Driveshaft (to replace the original one from my Speed Cobra which broke)
- Gamechanger Triggers (to fit them onto the Speed Cobra)
- Speed Cobra DD conversion kit
- Phantom Righty Double Pedal (what can I say - best pedal I've ever played!)
+ Gamechanger Triggers (for the Phantoms)
Every product is uniquely best in perfection. Especially the Phantom simply is a piece of art in mechanical engineering. On top of that Dennis is a very nice and humble person who cares about his
customers most. Thank you for your excellence and I'm hoping for many more years and decades to come!
Arpad Fako(Saturday, 22 July 2023 14:19)
Dennis Namesnik - an excellent person. ACD products - world class products.
Life is good!
Alexander Papadopoulos(Friday, 21 July 2023 10:32)
Was kann ich sagen. Ich kenne Dennis Arbeit von Beginn an. Genau wie bei den Trick Upgrades oder seinen Pedalen. Dieser Mann, nimmt die Probleme der Großen Firmen und macht innovative Lösungen!
Lieferung ist immer Planmäßig und der Service im Falle von Schäden ebenfalls top!
Nathan(Wednesday, 12 July 2023 19:17)
I ordered a pair of "Dynamic Beaters" (standard felt) for my double pedal, and immediately noticed a change in the feel of my pedal. Contact with the bass drum head feels much more direct and
balanced, unlike the stock beaters I had used prior. Though I did notice a slight amount of peeling at the edge, it was quickly rectified with a bit of pressure to the area (and the hot weather seems
to be to blame). Thankfully, Dennis also included a pair of replacement felt pads as well.
This was a great experience—quick shipment and delivery, precise craftsmanship, and even a complimentary biscuit! Thanks again to Dennis for everything.
Alex Millard(Tuesday, 11 July 2023 21:11)
I cannot wait to receive my beaters and driveshaft. Customer Service is beyond top notch. I hope to order a Darwin eventually!
Luca van Weerden(Thursday, 22 June 2023 00:29)
Just years ago we discovered a great person, who made upgrades for various drumpedals. We ordered an Acd strap. Subsequently, our young drummer saved and bought a double bassdrumpedal from standard
brand, however that played cumbersome and heavy....help was asked of this father. The older ACD-strap, and oversized and high speed bearings were fitted. And another beater, which played a lot
better. However Dennis designed a cool drum pedal.... Our young drummer wanted this pedal, but turned out to be priceless for him.... So he ordered an extra strap, and beaters from Dennis. That
turned out to be a huge improvement. But that cool pedal kept beckoning. A long time later our son suddenly started saving money hard..... He had read something on Dennis' page. If only that could be
affordable for him....? He saved and worked for only one thing. Until I got home for a while.... He enthusiastically showed me a pedal. Phantom! When the pedal was available, it was ordered,
unfortunately just too late. But even now Dennis turned out to have an 'unlimited' heart. What a awesome guy !
A box was delivered today. Was there a good pedal in it? No, and not a hyped pedal from brand x either. But we did see a cookie, and under the cardboard we saw something that was eye-catchingly
beautiful. Once unpacked, the young drummer was staring at this splendour....
As a technician, I watched what a quality and solidity radiates from that.
With big happy eyes, the beater and pedal was mounted and the young drummer started playing. When I asked if the phantom's pedals played well, he shook his head. I looked surprised... Grinning our
son said; “This is not awesome, but even better. I should have bought this pedal right away! What a different feeling, as if the beater is on your foot. Quick and easy to play.” No cumbersome feeling
either, no delay. You don't even need extreme spring tension. “There seems to be even more sound coming out of the bass drum. The superlative of 'Awesome,' according to the young drummer.
Dear Dennis, what a beautiful pedal, and also so very good to play. The finish is so hugely good. Clearly visible that Dennis have made an even better pedal, with less adjustments, but Dennis
certainly made with out any concessions anywhere. Top class! Even simple small details in the laser engraving are clearly visible. Wow.
No comments..? Yes but less important; we are looking forward to a suitcase for this showpiece. And maybe a Phantom hi-hat in the future. But first Dennis will have to provide the other patient fans
with his great pedals. The young drummer here waits patiently, enjoys the cookie and plays with a huge smile for the first time on his long-desired Acd-unlimited pedals. With his name and year of
birth subtly laser engraved into his phantoms.
Thank you Dennis, these are pedals for life!
Kyle C(Wednesday, 14 June 2023 23:06)
Just got the Direct Drive conversion for my eliminators. Amazing product man! As always! I have every upgrade possible for my eliminators now except for longboards. I recommend ACD to EVERYONE! My
pedals feels so smooth thanks to Dennis. He's a nice dude, and takes care of his customers! Next, to get some Darwins! :)
P.s The chocolate and sunglasses were dope!!
Tommy Resch(Thursday, 08 June 2023 11:51)
I've had the pedals since 2018. A technical masterpiece!
Product plus service are perfect and custom-made products are possible.
Many thanks to Dennis!!!
Robert B.(Monday, 05 June 2023 06:21)
Yes, as the last comment said, please don't forget your first customers. We would like them back.
Thanks, from a 40 year old pearl enthusiast. :))
Anon(Monday, 05 June 2023 06:02)
Love ACD, my only complaint is I wish that we could get longboards back. Been waiting for quite some time. (Close to a year.)
Great products, quality. (Remember us old timers from back in the day please!)
Sincerely, a tama and pearl player.
Devin L(Friday, 02 June 2023 06:56)
I've been wanting to upgrade my axis pedals for a while. The new ACD heel blocks are a massive improvement in playability and speed. I definitely recommend them if your into axis pedals. Shipped
super fast too.
Thanks for the chocolate.�
Jason Borton(Friday, 12 May 2023 20:01)
I scored a gig filling in for a tour and simultaneously my drive shaft gave out. Dennis shipped a new drive shaft out to me the next day, problem solved! Amazing customer service and response!
Kyle C(Saturday, 22 April 2023 13:39)
Dennis was AMAZING! Easy to talk to, and a great guy! Love my driveshaft! Will be buying more from this man. Also, Dennis sent chocolate from Austria! Who else does that?! Phenomenal 5/5 or 10/10
however you'd like to call it! ACD will be the only brand I buy from here on out!
Julian Osterried(Tuesday, 18 April 2023 11:52)
I ordered a double pedal (direct drive), a strap drive conversion, some triggers, and several other little things and i´m allways 1000 percent happy with ACD-unlimited.
The shipment is fast, Dennis is a genius in his work, i allways call him the
"Leonardo da Vinci of drums" when i talk about all the perfectly designed stuff he made.
He put in a lot of hours to get the perfect "holy grail of drums" and could help you out instantly, if you have a problem or questions.
I´m a customer since 2018 and i´m satisfied with every part i get.
I love the "small" business and hope you have some breaks from time to time because of that.
Best regards und Viele Grüße,
Julian O.
antonio de braga(Tuesday, 11 April 2023 03:26)
Wow received my n+1beaters with mrs Muff disc I use on my e-drums for noise it works very good and the feels of those beaters are awesome and the chocolate too � thank you Dennis you rock !!!!
Tyler "Swampman"(Friday, 07 April 2023 02:02)
I bought a pair of Axis pedals a year ago, but the stock driveshaft is so miserable I went back to my beginner pedals. My ACD upgrade shaft arrived in two days, with chocolate! More importantly, my
left pedal finally feels like the right. I'll definitely be buying a pair of pedals from Dennis in the future.
Stefan(Tuesday, 28 March 2023 11:33)
Incredible customer service - and quality! I bought the direct drive upgrade kit for my Tama Speed Cobra double pedal. It is well-crafted and works amazingly well. I love it. And Dennis is just the
nicest guy. I highly recommend ACD :-)
Manuel Lozano(Friday, 24 March 2023 10:49)
Worth every penny to get the drive shaft upgrade for axis pedals.
Check the comparison video on the link below.
Axis Drive Shaft vs ACD Unlimited Drive Shaft - pretty much exposes the huge difference between axis driveshaft and ACD Unlimited.
You are a genius Dennis!
David Espinosa(Wednesday, 22 March 2023 01:20)
The pedal and hi-hat are FANTASTIC !!!
They're super smooth, and the machining is gorgeous.
I can't believe how light the hi-hat is, it's crazy.
I came from a Trick hi-hat, which weighs a ton.
I'm gonna start saving for a middle pedal and another hi-hat stand, so I can have a fully symmetric set-up !
Brandon White(Sunday, 05 March 2023 18:45)
I have purchased many upgrades and such from ACD over the years and they are all thoughtfully designed as well as exceptionally made. Not only that, but Dennis is extremely responsive and responsible
business owner who has helped out with any issues I had with anything.
My most recent purchase is the CK a driveshaft/connection upgrade and boy, what a difference this has made. The left side feels absolutely effortless to play with this upgrade and is overall less
taxing on the leg due to the weight reduction. But most importantly no more screws loosening. I would highly HIGHLY recommend this to anyone who has and loves the CK but wants a lighter and more
secure slave side pedal.
I hope to get another Darwin in the future but in the meantime I would recommend ACD upgrades to just about any drummer!
AD(Friday, 17 February 2023 02:52)
I just wanted to say thank you for the amazingly engineered and manufactured pieces! They are true pieces of art that make these pedals play with no effort! My Axis pedal refurbishment is now
complete after the installation of the Heel Plates and Driveshaft! Maybe some day I will be able to get into a set of Darwin's! Thanks Again!
Patric Squinobal(Wednesday, 15 February 2023 17:54)
Ich bin mit dem Darwin doppel Pedal sehr, sehr, sehr zufrieden! Ich benutze es für mein akustisches Drumset (22" Bassdrum) sowie für Edrums (16" Bassdrum). Das Pedal lässt sich bei beiden
hervorragend einstellen! Ich habe keine Sache gefunden die mich an diesem Pedal stört!
Es gibt nichts Besseres!!!
Jonas(Saturday, 28 January 2023 13:13)
Just tried my new Ultimate DriveShaft on my old Iron Cobra. The feel is fantastic, and I cannot recommend it enough.
Top tier product and service!
Lawrence Martens(Friday, 27 January 2023 20:46)
I ordered two products from my Iron Cobra HP600. A Direct Drive conversion and a Spring Geometry Upgrade. I install both parts in minutes and I wish I did this years ago. My pedal response is amazing
- no chain slack slowing me down. Also the shipping was fast from Austria to Canada in 3 days. I definitely recommend upgrading using ACD products.
Jared(Sunday, 22 January 2023 06:13)
I’ve ordered multiple times from ACD and I must say Dennis has that absolute best customer service.
For my trick pedal I orders new cams, spring pre-loads and the R1 bias rod…finally my pedals felt perfectly responsive to my feet
Then for fun I got ahold of a Tama speed cobra 910 and grabbed some of ACD’s strap drives, heavy springs, beater shifters and new drive shaft and honestly…I’m now worried I like my speed cobra more
than my trick pedal. These products 100% change the pedal game. Highly recommend upgrading however you can using ACD.
WJS(Saturday, 21 January 2023 01:39)
I recently purchased the bias rod upgrades for Trick pedals. One of my pedals had developed that dreaded 'notch' in the original rod and it was driving me insane! Once it basically felt like an
emergency I HAD to do something about it. So I got the standard ACD bias rods and I am so happy that my pedals are fully functional again! Thanks Dennis!
Dan,Alberta Canada(Wednesday, 18 January 2023 14:05)
Received my ACD Ultimate DriveShaft and couldn’t be happier! This thing is built by a true professional. Replaced my old Axis driveshaft and was blown away, perfect drop in fit and zero play. Rock
solid design.
Ross Koderl(Friday, 13 January 2023 01:15)
Dennis was extremely helpful, informative, and professional to work with. His attention to detail shines through in his product as the item I received is extremely well made to the highest level of
quality. I purchased the Tama Iron Cobra direct drive conversion kit V3 and it is awesome in appearance, fitment, and sturdiness. The kit came in 4 days from Austria to Wisconsin, USA and included a
hex key, warranty card, mini catalog, and even a bar of Belgium chocolate! You are top notch sir of the highest caliber! I will definitely be ordering 2 more kits for my Iron Cobra double pedal.
Thank you so much for what you do!
Ruud van Dillen(Wednesday, 11 January 2023 08:57)
I love the inventive idea’s that ACD came up with. So many smart details on their products.
Super friendly service.
Keep it up Dennis.
Michael Errico(Saturday, 07 January 2023 22:27)
These Darwin pedals are the absolute best I've ever had the privilege of using, and the custom engraving is exactly what I had asked for. When I finally start playing shows, I'll be sure to add a
Darwin Hi-Hat to my arsenal as well. Thank you Dennis for creating such amazing products!
Eric Miller(Thursday, 29 December 2022 01:51)
Dennis you are a genius! The parts for my Trick pedal work perfect. Vielen dank.
Clayton Cini(Monday, 19 December 2022 20:08)
Dennis is providing the ultimate quality when it comes to the Darwins. Once paired with the Game Changer triggers, the sky is literally the limit. The pedals are built like a tank, and truly feel
like an extension of your foot. Couldn't be happier!
Luca(Friday, 16 December 2022 20:43)
Ich habe mir den Ultimate Drive Shaft geholt da meine alte Kardanwelle viel Spiel hatte. Kurzgesagt: Das Produkt kam nach ein paar Tagen nach der Bestellung an und die Qualität ist einfach nur
perfekt. War auch sehr gut verpackt. Würde und will auch wieder hier kaufen! Außerdem ist der Support auch sehr gut, man kriegt schnelle und vor allem ehrliche Antworten. Weiter so!
Einziges Manko: zu wenig von dieser exzellenten Schokolade ;)
Nate Burgard(Tuesday, 13 December 2022 22:55)
These pedals speak for themselves. Dennis was prompt as can be for a one man operation. He answered any questions I had and gave me the straight truth about wait-times and such. I’ve bought them all
at this point (pedals) and hope this is the last purchase for a long time. ����
Mamoru Yamashita(Tuesday, 06 December 2022 13:29)
I have been looking for a middle pedal and remote HH for a long time.
The Darwin pedals are perfect for me.
I also think ACD's support is excellent. Dennis is quick to respond to problems and I have stress-free relationship with him even from Japan.
Thank you for everything, Dennis. I'm rooting for you!
Maksym Chernikov(Saturday, 26 November 2022 20:32)
I'm very pleased with the quality and the feel of your products. I ordered belt drives and beaters for my 900 Iron Cobra pedals and the feel of upgraded pedals exceeded my expectations. Thanks a lot
Jason Dranger, southtowns of Buffalo NY USA(Wednesday, 23 November 2022 04:08)
Always a pleasure with Dennis! Working on getting all 3 Trick upgrades from Dennis ( now have R2 and the springs ) , wish I knew about ACD before getting the Tricks but with the upgrades I still feel
special lol! Keep doing what you do Dennis!
Joe(Wednesday, 16 November 2022 23:04)
Converted my Iron cobra 600's with ACD's direct drive. Took a little adjusting to get dialed but they play just as good as some $1,000+ pedals! Customer service was exceptional, and to top it all off
arrived at my door in 3 days flat (West coast USA). Amazing service and product, Thank you!
Jayson Calder(Monday, 31 October 2022 18:52)
I upgraded my Tama Speed Cobra pedals with the ACD Direct Drive mod as well as the spring geometry upgrade and these changes have drastically changed my pedals for the better. The parts are great
quality and the service from Dennis has been outstanding. I will be a return customer for sure. Thanks!
Lars-Erik van Elzakker(Sunday, 16 October 2022 22:22)
After following the endeavours of Dennis and his company for some years, I finally saved enough to buy the ACD-Ultimate DriveShaft. A great piece of hardware, very well machined and meticulously
build. And last but not least, very roadworthy! Above all it makes my slave pedal (Pearl Eliminator) react so much better. A purchase worth every penny! Dennis informed me about the order and
shipment every step of the way. Communication was top-notch. Already saving up for buying a new upgrade from ACD-Unlimited!
Lars-Erik van Elzakker
Drummer for Julian Sas Band.
Lex van Wanrooij(Friday, 07 October 2022 09:06)
Received the order in good shape, great communication, real quality stuff for the money paid. Keep up the good work and I will surely be back for more orders.
Lex from Holland
Matthew Moonen(Tuesday, 04 October 2022 09:27)
My cheap tama speed cobra 310 double pedal feels pretty damn nice with an ACD Ultimate DriveShaft... some beaters might be next :)
Dennis sent me a little bar of belgian chocolate with my order; clearly he's a pretty cool fella.
The shipping was almost absurdly quick considering it was from europe to the west coast of Canada, and I recieved several emails regarding the status of my order throughout.
10/10, customer experience, 11/10 product.
Jeremy(Friday, 30 September 2022 16:45)
I’ve placed a couple of small orders with Dennis over the past couple of years, and I’m always surprised with his level of kindness and professionalism. I shouldn’t be as anyone who browses the ACD
Instagram page can clearly see his passion, and knowledge on display. Both he and his product are top tier, and I cannot wait to eventually place my order for a Darwin.
Rhyddian(Sunday, 25 September 2022 21:32)
Purchased two unlimited driveshafts and couldn't be happier.
In terms of build quality alone it's the best product I've ever bought and the functionality is very impressive.
Also Dennis is a thoroughly good guy to deal with.
Michael Black(Tuesday, 20 September 2022 19:26)
Thanks a million Dennis.
I'm very happy with the beater shifter and beater I received from you this morning. Wonderful well made designs.
Really well packaged and the included chocolate was a touch of real class that brought a big smile to my face.
Hope to buy from you again in the future. All the best.
Gee(Friday, 26 August 2022 15:03)
I have the longboard conversions and straps for my Iron Cobras, as well as the Ultimate DriveShaft, and they have both transformed my pedals and my playing,
Dennis makes beautiful work and the service is always great so if you are hesitating then contact him and you won't be disappointed.
Kevin(Saturday, 20 August 2022)
I recently purchased the Direct Drive and Long Board upgrades for my Iron Cobras. The support given
when I had questions was outstanding and couldn’t recommend the products highly enough. My pedals glide and are more responsive than ever. 10/10 for quality and support.
Hrk Aosm(Tuesday, 09 August 2022 10:33)
Darwin FTWのツインペダルとGame Changersを使用しています。
Darwin FTWは調整機構や拡張性が多く自分に最良のセッティングを色々試せるのが良い。オプションも多く色々いじれるのも楽しい。
Game Changersはいくつかのペダルに取り付けるトリガーを試した中でも最高の検出力と安定性、使いやすさがあります。一度使うと他には戻れないです…。
I use Darwin FTW twin pedals and Game Changers.
I think ACD's products are generally functional and beautiful. The good looks of the pedals help me stay motivated to practice every day.
Darwin FTW has a lot of adjustability and expandability, and it is good to be able to experiment with different settings to find the one that works best for you. It's fun to be able to tweak it with
so many options.
Game Changers has the best detection, stability, and ease of use of all the triggers I have tried on several pedals. Once you use it, you can't go back to anything else....
And the generosity of the support is also excellent. When we had problems, they were quick to respond and promptly send out solutions and replacements. I think it is also a strong point that I can
consult directly with Dennis, the owner of the company.
The only regret I have is that it takes a long time for the product to reach me because it is from overseas.
However, even so, I think it is well worth it to choose ACD instead of a domestic manufacturer.
We hope this will be a consideration for those in Japan.
Niko(Friday, 08 July 2022 18:04)
I follow Dennis and his work now for a few years, tried some Upgrades and had a refurbishment on an older Pedal. Always awsome work, great contact and great support!
Milan rED dETAiL(Friday, 01 July 2022)
Yo, habe das pedal endlich ausprobieren können und muss sagen dass es glatter läuft als die nivea soft cream beim einschmieren meiner Hände... YEAH... das pedal ansich ist ein kustwerk mit dem man
kunst machen kann... danke dennis... ����✌�☮️
Cyrus Cariaga(Tuesday, 14 June 2022 09:03)
Thank you Dennis Namesnik!
Playing the Darwin Remote Cable HiHat Pedal, above the bass drum between the two toms; before Danny Carey (Tool) did it. Prediction, many of us progrock Drummers will be doing this in the near future
because of the ACD Darwin Remote Cable HiHat Pedal. Thank you Dennis Namesnik & all at ACD. Service, Top Self Remote Cable HiHat Pedal and innovation. THERE CAN ONLY BE ONE!
Jesse V N [BE](Friday, 03 June 2022 15:18)
Best service AND Quality i have ever seen. Very straight forward Guy and always fast awnsers. Even the delivery was way to early (before the weekend wich is a huge +)
Žiga Pristovnik(Tuesday, 31 May 2022 20:16)
My experience with ACD and the company's owner Dennis has always been a great and excellent one. Dennis customer service has always been on point and he is always kind to his customers. His products
are top tier for every drummers style.
Plus he has offered me to help with some things beside drum hardware!
I own ACD Darwin FTW pedals, Remote Hi-hat, and GameChangers Triggers and I couldn't be more happier with this setup!
As Dennis would say:
No hype - just solutions!
Lorenz Nufer(Tuesday, 24 May 2022 13:43)
No hype - just solutions is not an empty promise at Dennis. I had problems with attaching the FTW Pedal to a Roland V-Drums Kick. He immediately and very easily found a good solution for the hoop
clamp and sent it to Switzerland. The Darwin FTW double pedal is a dream to play with. Thank you very much, anytime again!
Mikail Zakir(Sunday, 08 May 2022 04:24)
Excellent customer service!!! Dennis was super helpful to answer my concerns and resolve the issue instantly! And I don't know how he sent my direct drive conversion kit so fast from Austria to
Canada!!! It took me two days to receive it after placing my order! Thank you very much for the chocolate too!! Will bother you for a Darwin pedal in near future my friend haha
Igor Sim(Friday, 06 May 2022 15:44)
So I got the driveshaft. Could not be happier. My old Pearl camshaft was worn out to bits. It felt like I am chasing it and the pedal is not coming back fast enough. All changed with this camshaft.
It is one of those things where part for the pedal makes you play better immediately. Great product. Chocolate was good as well. Thanks, ACD.
Marcin Bruczkowski(Tuesday, 03 May 2022 19:40)
The Darwin double pedal is an absolute joy to play and is a keeper, replacing my beloved Pearl Eliminators Redline (and I had pretty much all big names in the past, Axis, DW, Mapex, several Tamas,
Pearls and a Yamaha). It took a while to get used to, especially the very slippery footboard, but this feature is teaching me to FEEL where my feet are in 3-dimensional space, instead of relying on
the footboard surface friction as a "crutch". And it's bringing results: I've just reached sustained 160bpm, which, for me, an old man of 57, a late starter and a complete amateur, is a lifetime
achievement :)
I also want to comment on the incredible level of support I got from Dennis. I play a rather unusual setup, where my left "slave" pedal is to the LEFT of the hi-hat. This requires a long drive shaft
to reach it. The standard Darwin shaft wouldn't reach it, so Dennis went out of the way to help me (although he was in the midst of a shop move and very busy) and quickly shipped a custom part to
extend the shaft. It's perfect now and all I can say is: 99% of gear manufacturers from around the world should take lessons from Dennis on Excellence in Customer Service.
Now here's a wish-list for future: a lineup of super lightweight, carbon fiber cymbal/tom stands (like the Drawin hi-hat), a hi-hat with much higher side links allowing the positioning of a slave
pedal to the left and behind the hi-hat stand, a longer drive shaft option, an adjustable hoop clamp for various hoop thickness (with better grip of the top clamp and the rubber bottom pad glued
inside a small depression so that it doesn't twist from the torque), an option of a LIGHTLY textured footplate (neither as slippery as the current perfectly smooth one, nor as gripping as the
optional skateboard tape top available as option today). Mind you, I'm not complaining with what one gets today, I just like building wish-lists :)
PS. If you can't afford the Darwin pedals yet, just get the beaters. They are the best in business, I've played them for half a year on my Pearl Eliminators before I decided to take the plunge and
order the entire twin.
Kevin Kung(Friday, 22 April 2022 12:28)
Dennis has provided the best products and upgrades for drummers all over the world. His craft, design and engineering is unreal. Brilliant! He's constantly in communication with his customers,
keeping us updated on orders/status updates and answering our questions in a timely matter. Thank you Dennis for your up most professionalism and providing us drummers some of the best products and
hardware out there!
-Kevin K.-
Dean Romarine(Wednesday, 20 April 2022 06:31)
Hello Dennis!
I want to thank you again for the most amazing pedal ever made!! Your pedal design, features, and adjustability are far above any pedal on the market or ever produced. It’s likeness is
I am very happy with my double pedal and have been working with all kinds of variations and combinations between strap drive, direct drive, beater weight, etc. The possibilities really are endless,
unlike anything I’ve experienced in any other pedal to date, (and I have pretty much played them all)! Your customer service and attention to your customers are top notch. I thank you and appreciate
all your correspondence.
Again, thank you so much for everything! I have told everyone I know about Darwin.
My Darwin FTW double pedals are worth every bit of money spent!
Best wishes to you for the future and success of what literally is the best pedal on the planet!
Dean Romarine
Fort Collins, Colorado, USA
Brian Collins(Wednesday, 13 April 2022 22:13)
It was the pedals!! Really!
I just put the Spring Geometry Upgrades on my Pearl Eliminators, which I like a lot, but was considering a new double pedal. Not now!
The improvement to both sides is monumental. The slave side is crazy smooth and equally as fast as the main pedal. I highly recommend these. Thanks Dennis!
PS,The shipping was amazingly quick.
Oliver Lutter(Thursday, 07 April 2022 08:35)
Dennis hat sich so wahnsinnig viele Gedanken gemacht, wie man ein Fusspedal verbessern kann. Das ist eine Revolution. Seit 2020 spiele ich eine Darwin Doublebassmaschine und bin immer wieder aufs
Neue begeistert. Seit März 22 ist eine Darwin Hihat Maschine dazugekommen. Auch hier sind es, neben absoluter Präzision und einem hervorragendem Service, die kleinen Details, die eine Darwin Maschine
zum besten Pedal macht. Vielen Dank dafür!!!
David(Wednesday, 30 March 2022 14:39)
Hallo Dennis,
vielen Dank für den hervorragenden Service.
Ich probiere seit ein paar Tagen mit den Upgrades herum und bin begeistert! Alle Teile fügen sich wunderbar in die bestehende Konstruktion ein. Alles top verarbeitet. Die Longboards machen mich noch
immer sprachlos.
So ist aus einer in die Jahre gekommenen Speed Cobra eine völlig neue, vermutlich einzigartige Maschine geworden.
Der beigelegte Snack für zwischendurch hat auch seine Wirkung nicht verfehlt.:)
Herzlichen Dank und bis bald!
Carsten Schubert(Thursday, 24 March 2022 13:37)
Ich bin seit Februar 2021 Besitzer einer Darwin Doppelfußmaschine und freue mich jedesmal erneut , wenn ich das Pedal treten darf. Das Darwin Pedal ist die absolute Supermaschine. Kein anderes Pedal
kann da mithalten. Die Maschine lässt sich äußerst präzise einstellen und lässt in puncto Spielfeeling keinerlei Wünsche offen. Nicht unerwähnt bleiben sollte auch Dennis´ vorbildlicher Service.
James Chapman(Sunday, 20 March 2022 13:41)
The Darwin FTW pedals are not only the most well built pedals on the market, but are also the most well designed! You can dial in every possible feel with ease and every little detail is so amazingly
practical that I could never imagine using another pedal again. Also, Dennis is an amazing guy who genuinely cares about his customers and works super hard to make sure you are happy!
Ash meadows(Sunday, 20 March 2022 00:44)
Amazing pedals, amazing craftsmanship, infinite adjustability will never buy another pedal again from any other company,
Weather you play axis or heavy iron cobra’s, these pedals can be made to mimic anything but far exceed the limitations of pedals mentioned.
Götz von Gemmingen(Saturday, 19 March 2022 18:01)
Bin durch Drums&Percussion auf ACD aufmerksam geworden. Dennis hat mir ein Doppelpedal zum Testen geschickt. Es hat keine fünf Minuten gedauert bis mir klar wurde, das ich da das beste Pedal
unter den Füssen habe, das ich je gespielt hab. Nun, mittlerweile sind alle Pedale bei mir von ACD und mir kommt nix anderes mehr ans Set. Die Cable Hat funktioniert mit ner 16er Hihat besser wie
manche andere Standard Hihat Maschine. Zudem ist der Service von Dennis sowas von Klasse und kundenfreundlich. Mehr geht nicht! Absoluteste Empfehlung!!
Larue loris(Saturday, 19 March 2022 17:54)
I got the ultimate driveshaft for my iron cobra a little more than a year ago, and when I saw the quality I decided my next pedal would be an acd darwin, still waiting for being able to afford
Anyway, this shaft hasn't gain any play in one year, and is still smooth as new.
I'm sure the whole pedal would respect this quality.
Nice products here !
Kjetil Hammerseth (Monday, 03 March 2025 13:16)
Forgot to mention, the incredible customer service! Dennis is always on the ball, and as helpful as one can be.
Kjetil Hammerseth (Monday, 03 March 2025 13:15)
I have been playing my Phantom double pedals for a couple of weeks now, tinkering with the settings and making them 'my own'. In short, these are the absolute best pedals I have ever owned.
Firstly, the solid construction and build quality of the pedal is phenomenal. The craftsmanship of Dennis truly shows, but became even more apparent to me when I started doing adjustments. The thought put into the different adjustments and the vast range of feel I'm able to achieve from these pedals are extremely impressing to say the least. Having played light pedals, heavy pedals, chains and a few direct drives all these years while trying to improve my own bass drum technique - I can truly say that these pedals have no limitations at all as to what I am able to play, and want to be able to play!
They are 100% worth the investment, considering you really do get one of the absolutely best designed (if not THE best) pedals ever. Fully CNC machined, quality parts and particular yet ingenious ways of adjustments make up a fantastic feeling pedal.
Joe Ballestrini (Monday, 03 March 2025 10:43)
Dennis is really an awesome guy. He worked with me to help me figure out payment from overseas and has been very polite and professional. Highly recommend ACD Unlimited for all your top quality drumming needs.
James (Tuesday, 25 February 2025 01:11)
I've had a Tama DynaSync for about 2.5 years, and in that time have had two of their standard drive shafts fall apart on me - one at a gig!
Even before this they had a lot of 'play' in them and it was always hard to coordinate my left foot.
Seeing the announcement for the 'mirror rod' felt like an insult, so not being keen on getting 'shafted' again, I decided to look elsewhere - and after some research decided to buy the ACD ultimate driveshaft.
It's an absolutely huge upgrade to the DynaSync, my double kick is more even and generally sounds more powerful - I'll certainly be in the market for a Darwin once I've saved up a few more pennies!
Stephen (Saturday, 22 February 2025 02:10)
As a self proclaimed “gearitis” sufferer, I’ve tried darn near every pedal out there from the big manufactures, buying and selling to fund the next. Needless to say, after experimenting and playing on the Darwin double pedal for 2 years now, it’s the one piece of gear I can confidently say I’ll be keeping for as long as I am able to bang on the drums. In terms of quality and adjustability, Dennis has really taken everything into consideration. They are not just great for blazing fast metal either; they feel amazing underfoot regardless of musical application. Looking forward to trying out the little brother Phantom pedals down the road!
BeatMachinery (Thursday, 20 February 2025 14:37)
I am the happy owner of a Phantom Middle double pedal and a pair of Phantoms. I have been testing and enjoying them for a little less than a year now, and I can say , without any hesitation , they are the best pedals (along with the Darwins) , available in the global market.
I play electronic music and the level of accuracy , finesse , smoothness and control that you will be able to achieve with these pedals, is simply unmatched by any other brand.
My search for a pedal that encompasses all of the previous mentioned features has now finished , as the Phantom offers all of them and we cannot forget the high level of customization.
These pedals stick to your feet , making it possible to execute patterns that might seem impossible to play, without the precision and quality of the building , compared with any other pedal I had tried in the past.
I wouldn't like to leave aside the spring geometry concept , which is high-level engineering manufacturing , not seen in other pedals. Arguably , this is what makes the pedal so efficient , so that , giving these pedals a clear advantage over any of their competitors.
I cannot say anything but positive aspects about these pedals.
I simply can't imagine myself playing with any other brand from now on. I am looking forward to trying the Darwins and I am absolutely sure they are pure perfection , as they are the Phantoms.
Dominik (Thursday, 06 February 2025 10:17)
Recently the ACD conversion (longboard and strap drive) for my Iron Cobra arrived. Once againI'm thrilled with the manufacturing quality. And: The Iron Cobra is now a completely new pedal when it comes to the feel! Thanks!
I also use the Ultimate Drive Shaft on my Dyna Sync, same completely positive experience.
Currently I am torn between the Phantom and the Darwin double pedal. The Darwin is the ultimate pedal for me. But, on the other hand, the Phantoms have everything that I long for and do also have a larger footboard - difficult decision...
nicholas (Wednesday, 05 February 2025 17:02)
Purchased replacement heel blocks, drive shaft and beaters for my old axis. These are excellent products and great experience all around! I can't recommend it enough.
Ari Räsänen (Tuesday, 04 February 2025 07:44)
Everything went fine. quality stuff.
Dennis is a great guy!
Simon (Monday, 03 February 2025 15:21)
The Phantom is an incredible pedal, the overall quality is just nuts!
Dennis is a wizard and it's just great to have such talented people among us.
if you're wondering about the "not full" baseplate, with a drum rug and the scratches delivered by ACD the pedal doesn't move at all, and for the inverted drum beater (left pedal controls the right beater), in like 3 seconds your brain is used to it.
So, if you hesitate, just don't and go for it :)
Konrad Troost (Tuesday, 21 January 2025 12:15)
Vor über 50 Jahren habe ich mit der Ludwig Speed King angefangen. Es gab lange keinen Ersatz für das Teil und ich habe so ziemlich alles ausprobiert: Sonor, Tama, Pearl. Kette und Riemen. Als dann Axis in den späten 90 zigern auf den Markt kam, war, glaube ich, Drums Only in Koblenz der Exklusivhändler für Deutschland. Mit dem Axis lernte ich Doppelpedale kennen und ich blieb dabei. Direktantrieb ist mein Ding. Mein kürzlich erworbenes neues Ludwig Speed King Pedal kommt auch zum Einsatz (für Akustik Gigs mit wenig Aufwand) und der nostalgische Faktor zaubert Glücksgefühle beim Gig. Dann gab es ein kurzes Desaster mit dem Drumnetics Twin Pedal, weil ich das Konzept mit dem Magneten genial finde. Bei der Feinjustierung stellte sich kein Glücksgefühl ein.
Bei Axis kann ich auf Dauer nicht bleiben, weil Ersatzteile und Service problematisch sind. Warum also die Darwin Pedale? Wegen dem Service! Die Einstellmöglichkeiten vom Axis Konzept sind für mein technisches Können mehr als ausreichend, aber das Modularkonzept von Dennis mit den unterschiedlichsten Möglichkeiten zum Umrüsten ist einzigartig. Die Aussicht auf einen funktionierenden Reparaturservice und die allseits gelobte Verarbeitung der Darwin Pedale mit einem Ansprechpartner sind alles Argumente für meine Entscheidung. Ich freue mich auf den September 2025!
Marco M. Molitor (Groove-Barista) (Monday, 20 January 2025 09:35)
Simply the best pedal I've ever played.
Once you've played the Darwin, you'll always play the Darwin. It's that simple!
Groovy thanks from Bonn, Germany!
Kjetil Hammerseth (Saturday, 18 January 2025 20:06)
Always a pleasure doing business with Dennis. Fantastic quality parts and service as usual.
Sebastian (Wednesday, 15 January 2025 19:10)
Got my Darwin pedals overhauled after heavy use. Everything perfect. Wouldn't change back to another brand ever. Thank you David!
Tim (Monday, 13 January 2025 01:45)
Purchased the geometry upgrade for my Tama double kick. Amazing the difference. Great correspondence and service with Dennis.
Looking forward to the next upgrade!
Lars Müller (Thursday, 09 January 2025 15:14)
The Ultimate DriveShaft is such a nice step up from what comes with most pedals. Worth every penny, thank you Dennis!
Johannes Klein (Wednesday, 08 January 2025 22:20)
I already have an ACD middle pedal and absolutely adore it. Now I updated my Tama Dyna-Sync double pedal with Dennis' excellent drive shaft. Made a difference of night and day, I was instantaneously able to adjust the pedal so that the beaters swing synchroniously. And the playing �, the slave pedal doesn't feel like a slave anymore. Fantastic job, Dennis!!!
Devin L (Tuesday, 07 January 2025 21:53)
Good stuff �
Bogdan (Monday, 30 December 2024 10:00)
I bought the ACD Remote Hihat. I highly recommend spending the extra 100/150 euros and getting the ACD pedal instead of TAMA/Pearl. Very good craftsmanship and engineering, materials are high quality and Dennis's support is top tier.
If you order for electronic drums (Roland), make sure to message Dennis for his rotation stopper.
Thank you
Matthew Maloney (Thursday, 19 December 2024 04:59)
ACD Unlimited is incredible-- outstanding craftsmanship, top-notch professionalism, and Dennis is simply a nice guy! THANK YOU!! ^_^
Andreas Köhne (Saturday, 14 December 2024 11:26)
Seit vier Jahren spiele ich ein Darwin-Doppelpedal und eine Remote Hihat und ich werde dabei bleiben. Einstellmöglichkeiten und Spielbarkeit sind einzigartig und die Pedale sind robust und zuverlässig. Der Mailkontakt zu Dennis ist immer unproblematisch und sollte mal ein Teil benötigt werden, ist dieses in kürzester Zeit im Briefkasten. Austria rules! ; ) Und nicht nur im Skifahren.
Micah Reynolds (Thursday, 12 December 2024 02:02)
I picked up the new heel risers that Dennis designed for Trick pedals.
They are phenomenal in build quality and utilization. Installation was easy and they have improved my playing as a heel-up drummer.
I can't wait to pick out and install other ACD upgrades!
Michael Nießen (Monday, 25 November 2024 13:25)
Just recieved the spare parts with a small surpise on top. Amazing Service. ��
thibault from paris (Monday, 18 November 2024 10:38)
exactly what i need for my old rusty 98 Iron Cobra
René Diget (Thursday, 07 November 2024 16:29)
What a pleasant discovery of a absolutely 100% A-grade manufacturer with a passion for what is produced.
Customer service is also top tier and the product even arrived with a little treat.
This shop deserves more attention!
Joan Chilet (Friday, 25 October 2024 09:41)
After reading a lot on the website and different forums and watching a lot of helpful videos, I decided to sell my demon drives and buy a Phantom double with strap drive. Best pedal ever! Also, Dennis is probably the nicest guy in the business and provides without a doubt the best customer service I've ever experienced in my life. If you're considering getting some ACD stuff, don't hesitate!
I'm so happy with my Phantom double, that I've ordered a second set (direct drive this time) after 8 months.
Jean-Baptiste Pol (Thursday, 24 October 2024 01:33)
I've heard about ACD for a long time and as a professional drummer I was very interested in these pedals. I’ve played several direct drives in the last 20 years: Axis, Demon Drive and Trick. Strangely I’ve always had an embarrassment, a feeling of having a little latency on the left foot despite the quality of the equipment. I’ve been using Pearl Eliminator for two years, a good mid-range pedal but whose many concerts have used it too quickly. After seeing the possibility of upgrading it on the ACD website I took everything that was possible: longboard, direct drive, drive shaft, spring and beaters. A quick installation later the result is clear: it's very impressive. Everything inspires solidity and quality. But it’s the drive shaft that impresses me the most, for the first time in my life I feel like I have two kicks. I no longer have to compensate for anything with the left foot and it's particularly enjoyable. I am also extremely satisfied with the laser engraving whose rendering is absolutely perfect. Last point, Dennis is a very nice guy and the exchange by email was flawless, his responsiveness, his listening and his professionalism were very appreciable. I understand that the price can make you hesitate but trusting Dennis and ACD is choosing quality equipment that you will not find anywhere else. I'm still blown away by my practice session and I can’t wait to use them on stage this week-end.
Thank Dennis, you are a magician ��
J.G. (Monday, 14 October 2024 18:35)
Ich spiele die FTW nun seit August. Ich bin absolut angetan von der Qualität und dem durchdachten Engineering. Man merkt einfach, dass das Pedal, welches an den Füßen klebt, nichts von der Stange ist. Eine größere Investition, die aber aus meiner Sicht jeden Cent wert ist. Auch bin ich mir sicher, dass - wenn es mal irgendwelche Probleme geben sollte - Dennis direkt mit Rat und Tat da sein wird.
Viele Grüße
Allan (Friday, 11 October 2024 14:57)
I decided to replace the short boards on my eliminators with some ACD longboards - and I have to say I'm really impressed with the quality.
Not only are they easy to install but the bearings are super smooth and I have zero issues with my feet sliding around on them.
Rainer Gartner (Thursday, 10 October 2024 12:38)
Einfach nur genial und perfekt. Ich habe noch nie bessere Pedale gespielt und werde das wohl auch nicht mehr nach dem Darwin.
Sensationell gut und zu 100% zu empfehlen.
Martin Jüssi (Monday, 07 October 2024 09:29)
I have played the Trick V1 for such a long time that I do not remember how other pedals feel. This summer I read something about the "spongy-like" feeling that is natural to the compression springs and realized that this had been one of my major frustrations with these pedals - I had thought the problem had been in my technique, and had been keeping the bass drum tilted towards the pedals to reduce that feeling. After that realization I did the ACD (R2) bias rod upgrade to the pedals.
With the upgrade, the feeling changed completely, and the pedals feel very much lighter and more controllable. So I would recommend those to anyone who feel disappointed in their investment into Trick pedals - the relatively low-cost upgrade totally changes the game.
Also to mention - the customer support of ACD exceeded any expectations!
Marc CUCULIERE (Wednesday, 02 October 2024 10:35)
Hi there,
ACD hardware is outstanding.
I've started with the Ultimate drive shaft for the Iron Cobra. I was looking for it from Tama, the price was a bit expensive, so I looked for an alternative and I found ACD, for a few euros more I was able to get something way more qualitative, and on top of that I could contribute to the passionate work of a real craftsman.
Once the hardware recieved ... I was really surprised by the quality. The feeling on my double pedal was ... terrible : I had to practice a lot beacause the left pedal was really as responsive as the right one :-)
The I bought the Direct Drive for Iron Cobra : Flawless victory !
Then, I purchased The Phantom, with a special mounting :)
The left pedal moves the right hammer ... Honnestly, it wierd but mesmerizing :)
Looking for triggers now ...
Maybe for concerts one day, i'll be equiped with a Darwin !
Many Thanks to Dennis for his devotion to build amazing handmade hardware.
Anthony (Sunday, 29 September 2024 23:33)
I ordered a spring geometry upgrade pearl version for a.... gibraltar pedal, of course I contacted Dennis first to ask him if it would fit my pedal, and it does !! So if your pedal is neither pearl nor tama, contact Dennis anyway with the specs of your pedal and he will let you know if it's still compatible or not. Also ordered the ultimate driveshaft and now I'm able to place my pedals however I want without any copromise, highly recommended !! My next pedals shall definitely be ACD unliited (when I can afford it lol)
Long Live ACD Ulimited !!!
Nikola (Tuesday, 24 September 2024 12:15)
I highly recommend ACD! Dennis has been incredibly helpful throughout the entire process. The products are top-notch, and the customer service goes above and beyond. If you're looking for quality drum gear and a team that truly cares about their customers, ACD is the place to go!"
M.L. (Wednesday, 18 September 2024 13:47)
I sent 6 emails/inquiries to Axis support asking about parts because I want to upgrade my pedals. Nobody replied. That's was the time I realized Axis is prehistoric.
So I went ahead and ordered ACD Darwin pedals. I've been back and forth with Dennis via email in customizing the pedal to my liking and 11 months later, they're now in transit to me.
Axis still hasn't replied to me until this day =)
Ron mai (Monday, 09 September 2024 03:05)
I received my new ACD middle pedals a few day ago. They are on my 60’s Gretsch kit.
I can’t believe how smooth, responsive, and light they feel. It has to be the best, most appreciated purchase I have ever made. Dennis has created a monster, and I’ve got a saddle on it. He truly is the artist I’ve always claimed him to be, as well as a genuine good guy for his customer interaction.
Very well done…
Johannes Rantala (Tuesday, 20 August 2024 09:59)
Dennis is the coolest guy and his products and customer service is always top notch! 5/5
Joey (Tuesday, 13 August 2024 15:55)
I bought the beater on it's own and it made my entire pedal setup so much more precise. I can change bass drum sizes and hoop types and never worry that I won't be able to strike in the right part of the head to get the feel and sound I want. It was a pleasure using the online store and receiving my order with so much care.
jason (Wednesday, 07 August 2024 06:57)
Awesome Upgrades!!..With the Direct Drive,and the Recently Purchased Spring Geometry it totally transformed my Iron Cobra HP600.I Probably would have bought the UltimateDriveshaft,But I already have the Trick.I Also have the beater shifters which i like also.Like Already Stated,the pedal is super fast and sticks to your feet with less effort...I had the Quick Torque Cam,which I ditched for The Spring Geometry.Glad I Did.Kudos for all the great products!!
Cody Johns (Saturday, 03 August 2024 19:04)
Dennis is a one man army! Communication was amazing, incredibly helpful, obviously making the best pedals on the planet right now. I don’t know how he does it, but we must protect this man at all costs! Thank you again!
Aki heikkinen (Friday, 02 August 2024 14:11)
the drive shaft arrived today and immediately tested. all I can say is that it's damn good. completely from another planet compared to the original tama drive shaft. no latency in the slave pedal. absolutely super!
thank you very much!
Best regards. Aki from Finland
Johnny Wall (Friday, 26 July 2024 02:08)
I received and installed the R1 bias rod in my Trick Bigfoot pedal today. Massive difference! I was able to increase my spring tension a bit and move the beater back, too. Snappier and more consistent feel through the stroke with more power. Fantastic service from Dennis! Thank you!
stefan resch (Friday, 19 July 2024 23:46)
Lieber Dennis,
vielen vielen Dank für dieses tolle Fußpedal. Ich habs heute zum ersten mal ausprobiert und ich muss sagen: Einfach nur der Hammer!
Spielt sich sehr angenehm und Heel Toe mit Triggern ist mit diesem Pedal einfach ein Traum.
Danke auch für die netten kleinen Messages auf dem Koffer und in dem Koffer. Das macht alles sehr persönlich und malt einem ein Lächeln ins Gesicht.
Einfach nur spitze!
Vielen Dank
Nikalus Garrido (Tuesday, 16 July 2024 03:58)
I have order the following for my two single pedal Tama Iron Cobras:
Long Board Conversion
Direct Drive Upgrade
Spring Geometry Upgrade
Dynamic Beaters
And a custom order of two 1" 3d printed heel plate riser blocks
All are absolutely phenomenal! Dennis is the man and anything you order from him today should have been ordered yesterday. Outstanding quality, craftsmanship, and care go into everything he does.
You're the man Dennis, but you already knew that ;)
Much love brotha! Keep it up!
James Hansford-White (Thursday, 11 July 2024 12:21)
I am absolutely blown away by the Ultimate Drive Shaft, thank you Dennis for the incredible craftsmanship and overall build quality. My left pedal feels noticeably smoother/effortless compared with my stock drive shaft. Thank you also for the great customer service. I suspect you might hear from me soon about Darwins :)
Ron Mai (Friday, 05 July 2024 17:48)
I woke up early this morning, on my 70th birthday, to a note from Dennis that my universal drive shaft, and remote hi-hat had shipped…
What a wonderful way to start my day!
The artful machining and thought that goes into every aspect of the product is why ACD is my go-to for the greatest drum hardware on the planet
Thanks Dennis, for your hard work!
Marvan (Thursday, 27 June 2024 03:20)
Just received adapters for may ACD Darwin drive shafts! 5 days form ordering to delivery to the US! Unheard of! These drive shafts are w/o question the best in the business! Thank you Dennis for your innovative vision, craftsmanship!
Nicolas Riegel (Tuesday, 25 June 2024 09:08)
Best Quality with the best Service!
Schnell und persönlich �
Nothing to complain about!!
Perfectly organized ��
The Real Deal! Thanks heaps Dennis, you’re the man!! ❤️
Kann’s absolut jedem empfehlen! �
Jason (Tuesday, 18 June 2024 22:29)
Very pleasant experience dealing with ACD.Im blown away at how fast I received my Direct drive Iron Cobra upgrade from Austria to So.Cal.. also impressed with the build quality.Nice work Sir,Dennis is a pedal Wizard!!
Sal (Saturday, 15 June 2024 17:04)
The Ultimate Drive Shaft is amazing and worth every penny! I observe zero difference in beater swing between the main and slave pedals for the first 4-5 swings on my Tama Speed Cobras. Most importantly, I get same performance even when I put the pedal at angle (which is often necessary when setting up in tight spaces). The difference between this and stock shaft is night and day. I cannot recommend this product enough!